So I’m fairly close to the Delve loremaster achievement and as a result I’ve been checking the delves every day for my missing stories. Here’s the issue, the stories are either not changing from day to day or they are just rotating between 2 with some stories feeling like rare spawns.
I still miss and am checking daily for.
Precious Stones - Earthcrawl mines
From the weaver with love - The Spiral Weave
Spreading Decay - Fungal Folly
Kyron’s Assault - Nightfall Sanctum
Are these supposed to be rare spawns or what? If these had just rotated each day I would have finished this ages ago.
Before you enter a delve, it says which story is up in the right corner.
When I did them all, all delves except for the underkeep always had either story 1, 2 or 3 up at the same time. (the order of which they are listed in the achievements).
Seems to still be true today, just checked 3 delves, it’s what I would call “story 3” today and the ones you need are all “story 2” so i’m fairly sure you will be able to get them all the same day once they’re up.
story 2 on most delves is not available (seems like a bug), they rotate from 1 to 3 and skip 2 constantly, I have been checking them for a week (feel dumb af thinking that I would sort all delve stories in a week…)
I’ve been waiting 10 days for Nightfall Sanctum - Signal Noise, it just keeps rotating between the other 2 stories, so frustrating as i only need that to get the mount - BLIZZ FIX THIS
Tek-Rethan Abyss has had the same story (investigate corpse > repair kits > vehicle) for like 5 days straight, its clearly not changing every day, its stuck.
If i was working at this company i would feel embarrassed every day going to work.