Delver's Journey capped for no good reason

All progress beyond level 4 is stalled. For me it is 17,925 points but for other players the number may slightly vary by little, depending on how many KEYS they burned on bountiful chests in total by now.

Few day ago I remember NEMESIS chests providing around 200-250 Journey at highest difficulties and BOUNTIFUL chests would award you on their own in addition, if in a position to unlock them.

Since Wednesday I’ve notice that no chests of any kind have been giving no Journey Points at all. I’m not alone in this and many other players are reporting that their Brann stopped receiving Experience as well.

Something was broken either by accident or on purpose, as we had a similar problem during the first season.

I am still eligible for 19/28 Bountiful Delves remaining in the week so it is not like I have used up my available pool of rewards playing alts.

/run print(C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(3142).maxQuantity-C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(3142).quantity…" Bountiful Delves with Brann XP remaining.")

To me it seems like someone is trying to intentionally slow down the game and as a result of the change, many players feel like they’re purposefully having their precious time wasted by the developers. Per day you can run 4 Bountiful Delves on a single character, not 3 or any other number and even if you decide to do 4 more in total on the same day using a second character, you will start using up your weekly allowed cap of 28.

Either way, after 28 runs across different characters in the same week, you won’t be eligible to earn any more Follower Experience or Journey Points. The cap is in place for a good reason.

The next TIER of Journey rewards is 2x bonus BOUNTIFUL KEY per week available for purchase with Undercoin so it wouldn’t surprise me someone had made a very poor call on this issue after seeing what has been done to Tank Brann.

It’s Friday so if this does not get corrected by the end of the day, it likely won’t get any attention before next Wednesday. This translates into unknowingly successfully disincentivizing players from playing Delves for the whole week… well those who have noticed something wrong with the system at least, which is still too many to count.

I mean to say it is seriously time to reconsider your practices in artificially limiting player progress. 2 extra keys per week is a GAME BREAKING advantage for players who have been keeping up with available, drip-fed content but running 20 split raids in order to get ahead of your competition is something which you are completely fine with?