Delves 4+ are not fun and solo

Finaly we have Season 1 and Delves 4+.
First thing - i go with my main Balance with 588 gearto 4+ which recomended 548+ gear…to dind out its hard af or at least not scaled properly.
Maybe Delves will be nerfer as Torghast was…but for now its horrible expirience for Solo players. Some mobs hit so hard with regular atacks, so i lose 10-15% at once. And their HP pull is enormous.
Hey, i like the chalenge, but its not solo content i want - 20-30 minutes to pass one delve with several deaths? No, thank you. My 40+ gear levels that it required is nothing at all.

And all this Bran nerfs and exp only from Bountiful Delves - what point of it?

I dont have fun to do this type of activity with such…torments…

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Blizz is known to not be able to properly tune solo content for different classes/specs - unless it’s mage tower, the “general tuning” is always off - Thorgast, Visions, even Proving Grounds always had different difficulty depending on which class/spec you went in, even if content was the same.

Here is no difference. I tried delve 8 on each of my 585 tanks.
On DK and DH I breezed through it, no deaths. On Druid / Pala / Warrior I struggled a bit, had couple of deaths but managed to finish it nontheless. On Monk I’m getting farmed by trash mobs.

Sure I understand that I’m running 15 ilvls lower than the “recommended”, but difference in difficulty, even for the same role is huge.


If you’re struggling at 40 ilevels above the recommended gear level you’re doing something wrong.

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That s true.The difference in classes is there definately.Curious how my lower Ilvl ret pala could do some and my havoc dh about 10ilvl higher just can’t.
But there is also a diff in delves.Some are doable.And some are just a pain.

Just quite happily solo’ed a +7 in 590 gear. Aiming for +8 or +9 tonight. Was fine. Though I do play a pally. So that is always a lot easier. I think Bran just needs a tanking mode or the heals to be a bit better.

Enjoyed slowly plugging away as priest, gotta take a pretty methodical approach to most pulls now I’m above 8s. Zekvir was also pretty fun on “?” difficulty. “??” feels like it’s tuned for later in the season, so 615-620+.

Strong possibility, but not 100% correct. Unless you have a 588 balance and tried a few delves at the same level, so you can actually compare.

My druid got to 580 yesterday, I’m not going to run a +4 “to prove it can be done”. There is no world where a druid cannot do that level of difficulty easily.
Where it will fall apart is

  • Doing huuuuge pulls and dying
  • Using utility awfully and dying. “Oh, I’m getting meleed to death but I have infinite capability to stop the mobs hitting me”
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Really depends on what mood Brann is, in tard mode pulling everything he sees or acting about like normal ppl.