Delves and what is wrong with them

Scaling/balance: Delves are extremely unfair for some classes/specs, while for others a breeze up to a medium difficulty.
To give some example: I can smash any tier 11 on my retribution paladin with minimal effort. No matter what recent hotfixes/patches that recently have been applied to the delves/Brann. Meanwhile , my assassination rogue get utterly destroyed by 1 mil crit melee swings on a tier 8. Same problem applies after either recent patch/hotfix.
I did over 100 delves with 7 different classes, I think I can very confident say, that s**t ain’t fun for some players out there.

The “under water” delves: THIS , I have to try and keep myself together…
-Brann’s healing pots floating somewhere in the air.
-Spells/totems/AoE effects on the ceiling.
-Mobs teleporting in the void and reappearing while you’re on the next trash pack.
-Airbubbles… let’s not talk about this s**t , absolutely trash, toxic af.
-Mushroom treasure (jump to heal) is a suicide buff with all these cliffs.
-Illusion mobs…hitting for God knows how much.
-Trickster , wtf is that nonsense.
-Bubble surge (spell) : Why does it need to 1 shot you? Why is it on the ceiling under the floor and still hitting?
Healer Brann:
-Throws potions on top of a mob that’s chasing you while you’re 5% hp…
-Walks backwards while having aggro to pull more and more and more etc. etc.
-Randomly falls a sleep…
-Can’t dodge stuff and is 80% of the time death.
-Finds treasure/herbs/mines in the middle of a fight.
-Refuses to put up a campfire when you need it, Puts up a campfire when you don’t need it.
DPS Brann:
-Went from Godmode , to wet noodle , to God mode , to mediocre…etc etc. fix it.
Brann experience lock:
-What’s up with the experience lock? Why is Brann not getting anymore experience?
-Are players that got their Brann to 60 going to keep their Brann as is? If so , unlock Everyones Brann. For example: I didn’t know about any way to abuse the experience gain on Brann and leveled my Brann to 38 with playing the game on 7 chars. I did it the fair way.
-Unlock Brann or revert and lock every Brann to an equal level.

Mobs and abilities:
Web bolt had a recent nerf. Great. It’s still s**t.
Why does the bolt need a slow aswell? Why do so many other abilities have to have a slow?
Why has the bolt to hit for 1+ Mil?
Why is the casting mob able to chain cast it even after a interupt/stop?
Why is my interupt/stop on a CD while the mob STILL can cast after being interupted?
Why are mobs melee hitting for 600-800K and critting for 1 mil -1.4 mil?
Why do some packs have to have 5-6 mob in them , when they hit for millions? let alone when they have a Zekvir buff.
Exploding spore keep respawning after being killed , VERY VERY annoying. Them 1 shotting you or either leaving you alive with 5% and a DoT that will kill you anyway makes no difference. Either reduce the damage on explosion by ALOT and leave the DoT as is or the otherway arround.
Mushroom themed Delves , the ‘bounce you arround’ is a little over the top.
Not even 636 bis gear is going to make up for ANYTHING above. Atleast not for all classes/specs.

Zekvir’s Lair:

With the recent and still ongoing sh**show trying to balance delves, Zekvir has been doable one day and completely unplayable the other day.
That being said, What the plan with that?
Some players managed to snag on the first week some kills on the tier 13 (??) While others not even have a chance because it’s broken and bugged.
What are you planning on doing on this?
Are you trying to fix Zekvir anytime soon or is it going to stay the way it is?
Are those players that had a chance to abuse the bugs going to keep their achievements? Or are you going to let this slip once again?

I’m glad you told that bit about Ret pal vs Sin rog, I legit thought I was really bad for PvE, had crap talents or bad armour.

Yeah no way Delves were tested thoroughly, seeing people with the Void airship, meanwhile I can’t clear half the T8 delves solo lol

Most with the Airship “cheesed” it.
Brann’s power increased the higher level your delves got. Some even leveled Brann to 60 in some way. You could basicly AFK on the Zekvir fight and let Brann handle it. One of the reason I think Blizzard should concider reverting the achivement some players gained and fix Zekvir , so it’s equal playingground for all OR unlock Brann’s experience and let this one slip for everyone. And fix Zekvir for next season with new rewards.

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