Delves hotfixes ruined it

Indeed !
Most people want to be able to clear Delves ip to the last tier from the start of the expansion.

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Since every single thing they added in TWW is broken (rated blitz does not count towards seasonal reward, Delves are more and more broken with each “fix”), I am scared thinking abount m+ balance…

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so do u need 600+ ilvl to get ~603 ivl gear? how does that make sense

616 vault.

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In that case what’s the point of the gear dropped at the end of a delve…
Also not many ppl would just spam delves for a random 616 item

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I should have been more clear, you don’t “need” 600 to clear it but if you’re stuggling then dropping the level is a valid tactic. A 7 still drops 597 gear which is an upgrade from 590.

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It really speeds up when your Brann levels and you find a good Curio. The Moment I found the upgrade for perma 20% extra HP and 12% dps/healing, things became fun. So I guess the 600+ recommendation is something you can outfarm by just doing a lot of low level dungeons, till you get all buffs and experience for Brann.

Ye, but what’s up with the ‘unlocking’ 580 adventurer gear when you completed the delve progress as a final reward? Surely they can’t be serious, anyone who reached that point must have many, many better alternatives.

I ‘unlocked’ the first reward, some toy or whatever, and my average level is already 600. The ‘ultimate’ 580 Delve rewards are still weeks/months away.

It’s for alts is my assumption. You make a char, immediately kit it in 580s and go delving with your purchasable keys.

Well it’s like the elitists in the current m+ pug groups ! If the mythic key drops ilvl 610 gear,leader wants you to be ilvl 615 minimum.

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A party leader can put whatever requirements he/she wants.

If you think this is bad/wrong etc, well, make your own group never gets old.

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