Hello everyone! What other than Zekvir (and related achievements and rewards) is going away in S2? Is there an official info on that? Thanks!
Don’t think we’ve got any confirmation if additional achievements go away. I doubt it since Zekvir at least states that it has to be done before the next season. I think you’re generally fine with all other achivs.
Maybe they will remove the get killed by zekvir achiv though thats chilling in the TWW tab (unless he keeps spawing in the S1 Delves during S2 and onward)
I followed stuff they said about delves, and nothing other than the achievement you and Kretias listed was mentioned in anything I watched or read.
Their focus seems to be adding things at the moment, which is great.
The achievements related to Zek’vir (“Let me solo him”, “Hunting the hunter”, and “Nemesis”) explicitly mention “Before the release of the next season of Delves”, so i assume those will become feats of strength, beyond that, there’s no information from Blizz.
“Heavy-handed” might become a FoS too, depends on whether or not Zek’vir will be completely removed once S2 hits.
Is there something specific you are thinking about? From what I’ve heard, Brann will keep his current curios and level. I would imagine that your Delver’s Journey progress will reset too.
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