Delves in War Within a torghast reskin

Sorry blizzard. I am not going to do Delves in War Within. it is just torghast all over again.

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That’s up to you if you engage with the content or not, it’s not like the content is mandatory.


Then don’t do it, kinda simple.

I wouldn’t compare it to Torghast. I’d compare it more to scenarios from mists.

Also, hot take: Torghast wasn’t bad in and of itself. It was terrible because it was initially the only way to get your legendary and had a lack of cool rewards (especially during its launch).


You don’t have to, that’s what Mythic Plus and Heroic Raids are for: players who don’t like Torghast/Delves.

That. +1


I’ll try them and see what they’re like.
I stopped doing Torghast when they added Timers though. So if these things have timers then I probably won’t do them often (if at all). Timers are fine for Achievements (which I probably won’t get) or at their hardest level.

I liked Torghast, it just wasn’t very rewarding for me as I didn’t care about the legendaries. I collected all the companions, then I was done with it. If it dropped anything valuable to me, I would have done it longer.

I don’t think I did a whole lot of scenarios back in Pandaria.

I’ll try the Delves out and I’ll see if I like them or not.

I kinda liked Torghast at the start, but it quickly got boring due to how repetitive and frankly not random it was. What we were promised at Blizzcon was a randomly generated dungeon, what we got was a handful of pre-build floors and 2 maybe 3 build variations per spec which the game would push you into (for example destro lock had 2 builds infernal spam or SS generation, you pick one at the start of the run and most other powers would focus to support that choice).

Also 6 floors were not enough imo. I would have liked there to be infinite scaling and the run ends when you finally hit the wall.

Also X2 I really hated the rework with the hidden “timer and to do list”.

Overall really wasted potential that could have been something special.

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