Delves not updating Great Vault credit

Third week in a row now where I’ve completed all requirements for max tier Great Vault credit, but the last (3rd) slot remains at tier1 “Complete a tier 2 delve or higher to upgrade”

Since I run tier8 only, this should update
It does not
Even when lowering to T2 and completing that, rewards to not update

Looking at topics here, this has been an issue since at least september

Suggestions on what to do on my end?
Or just please fix, this should not take 3 months

Hello there Heriot,

As you say this has been reported a few times in the past, and as such we’ve spent some time confirming this is working correctly.

Typically the situation you describe would come out of the fact that rewards are shared with world quests as well, so having completed one or more will help unlock the slots, but at a lower level and you’ll need a few more delves to bring it back up.

You can read more about this over here:

Thanks for your reply,

The Great Vault update does not work as you describe:

Tooltip = “Complete a tier 2 Delve or higher to upgrade this reward”

Next step: No world events completed in between, but immediatly run a t8 Delve

Great Vault does NOT update the third reward
Run next t8 Delve
NO update

Don’t get me wrong, I like delves, but 8 a week is plenty for me

That just means you haven’t run all 8 yet for this week, Heriot.

I understand it can be tricky to keep track of, as it’s a fair amount of runs and the weeks easily blend together (or at least they do for me!), but unless you’re keeping an exact record that says otherwise, you can safely rely on the vault and just do a couple more until you unlock the reward you want.

I’ve said this before, it’s the tooltip that is misleading people.

The last delve step needs 4 delves of the same level to get that reward.

So if you run 5 delves at level 8 and no other delves, your last tier will show at most a level 1 reward (world events count as level 1 delves).

It tells you that you need “one level 2 delve” to upgrade the tier but that is just flat wrong and confuses people, but Blizzard doesn’t acknowledge that.

In the above situation, even though it says “one level 2 delve”, to fill up the last tier you need 4 delves at the same level. So if you have three level 1 delves left in the last tier, you need to run three level 2 delves to even get a level 2 reward.

If we follow the above example (5 delves already ran at level 8 and the last slot filled up with world events), you need to run three level 8 delves to get a level 8 reward in the last slot, for 8 level 8 delves run in total.

The system just doesn’t understand if there’s 3 delves left to run to increase the level of the last tier or just one, or two. The system is really badly presented, the tooltips are literally useless and people rightfully get confused by this. Blizzard doesn’t care, because they no longer do.

Additionally, it can happen that you run what you think is a level 8 that gets reduced without a clear warning by someone else having set a lower level for the delve.

Why they don’t just make the list for delves TELL YOU what delves you ran that counted for the weekly like they do with mythic+ is a complete mystery to everybody.

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I’m quite sure I did MORE than 8 delves this week Tyrskorn, thank you.

But I’m going by the awnser @Stabspancer provided as that seems consistant with what is happening and there is a chance I mayhaps completed a world event by chance while not being aware of it, killing my progress it seems since the game takes your lowest completed event when calculating rewards.
Which in itself seems silly, as I will now avoid worldstuff like the plague before I complete the full set

Seems the game needs work communicating progress

This needs better communication, but you will never “lower your rewards” by doing the world events.

Imagine there is a list of “the top 8 things you did”, which is what the delves use to calculate.

Level 8
Level 8 - this is the first level of reward. Since of the first two, both are level 8, you get a level 8 reward
Level 8
Level 8 - this is the second level of reward. Since those two are also level 8, you get level 8
Level 8
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1 - this is the third tier of reward. As you can see, it has an 8 on top and 3 level 1 at the bottom.

Now if you were to do three level 7 delves, the list would look like this:

Level 8
Level 8 - reward still 8
Level 8
Level 8 - reward still 8
Level 8
Level 7
Level 7
Level 7 - reward is now level 7

Level 1 - Pushed off the list
Level 1 - Pushed off the list
Level 1 - Pushed off the list

And if you then did three MORE level 8, the entire “top 8” would be filled with level 8 delves and all three rewards would be level 8.

If you have done 8 level 8 delves and your third tier is not a level 8 reward, then some of those delves either weren’t level 8 or didn’t count as level 8, maybe because someone you played with lowered the tier level and nobody noticed.

You have no way of knowing what those were, though, because unlike the mythic system, you have absolutely no way of tracking your actual delves that I (or the game) know of in the same way that you can track mythic dungeons.

“Unless you have data that proves us wrong, you gotta assume we’re right”