Tyrant is useless, as long as pet AI is so bad. Some people don’t even line it because when it casts the damage is laughable. Others just kick or cc it and even you dispell any cc on it it will start running in melee of its target and do nothing the moment it reaches. Then it will expire.
Affli does way too little damage and you have no kill potential unless you literally exploit.
Also every specc feels like paper. “tanky caster” my behind.
Been playing in my mm hunter and i already see the difference
I can tag things easier No need to cast hoping my cast is finished before the mob dies
No need to stand still the whole time , i got some great self heals movement that doesn’t drain my health and skills to get out of aoe
Atleast a pet that i don’t have to heal everytime in big pulls
They should remove the burning rush health drain outside pvp
ohh i see this is reverse mind fck thing that they do in the movies you want to make blizzard think that warlock is bad so they dont nerf this broken class i get it !
I have no idea who you are and what you want but if you call affli or demo broken (outside of their cc) your brain must have become really mushy from all the zugzugging as warrior.
Wait until you take your hunter to high mplus or heroic+ raids and you notice it takes 5 times more work to survive than a warlock who can soulburn healthstone and then dark pact for a massive shield on top of big hp and -dmg passives.
want to trade the damage MM does to affli damage? I am all open to it, also give us Bloodlust while you’re at it. Also tell me more about those damage passives as affli.
how bad are you? If you couldnt cheese SL ret or current ret then I have no hope for you sorry. Maybe try to, dont know, use keybinds?