Demo getting weaker each patch in PvP

Is it just me or does anyone else feel like playing demo just becomes worse each patch in BFA PvP?

Earlier in BFA you could do decent damage with 20k crits from shadow bite traits, two patches and better gear later those 20k crits dont feel nearly as impactful. Same goes for tyrant, a 300% tyrant did enough damage to kill a target, right now I feel like if I dont get out atleast a 380%+ tyrant I cant even get a kill one someone over 435ilvl. For healers you need a tyrant well over 400% to go for a kill which seems absurd considering how hard it is to pull out one in a PvP situation.


If you want to play demonology in 3v3 you have to go succubus build not big tyrant, and like you said even with that demo is terribly bad in all the way possible.

-no dmg at all out of tyrant setup
-pretty much nothing to survive vs melee cleave

And like you said demo is getting even worse each patch the dmg is lower by a crazy amount. You need to crit actually to start doing decent dmg but demo never crit :s


what you mean you don’t like your entire damage being los’d and watching your demons chase them while doing literally 0 dmg? come on dude demo is so fun

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Yes It’s getting bad. Mainly because of the %3 stamina buffs from the necklace. First season I hit 2.2k so easily with my Demo. Because people did not have insane amount of HPs and Demonbolt hitting 30k (60k with crit) or my Tyrant hitting 30-40k per hit meant something. But now people walk around with 400 to 450k hp. So what if my Tyrant lands 2 or 3 consecutive strong hits? It means nothing.

Honestly, I think corruption effects, necklace and such items/effects should be inactive in arena. Not only it forces us to do PvE, it also makes some specs broken, while making others worse.

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