Demo lock 10.1.5 behind the scene secret of dev's

I would love to know who is responsible for this and then I’d like to ask him(her?) about whereabouts of the dealer.


i wanted to do same thing ever since legion rework…

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guess it’s a bad time to have demo as a soft alt then huh

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I’d be fine casting more Shadowbolts, if it wasn’t something that casts far too long to be a basic ‘cast all day long’ spell. Reduce it to 1.5s base cast time like other generator spells (Wrath for instance).
Same goes with Destros Incinerate .

Nobody likes to be pinned to the ground for an eternity while 2 out of 3 mobs throw some nasty void zone unter your feet. It is no fun having to cancle casts all the time even if you pre position. It doesn’t feel good. It actually ruins the whole gaming experience and breaks the immersion.

So srsly: If you want to have a sip of coffee while your toon is casting, go grab some paper, pens and some friends and go play a Pen & Paper RPG. Those are fun, too (btw: is there a warcraft themed one?).


if u do it , demo pvp will die , for god sake WHY blizzard WHY ??? do what u want just dont touch dogs , if u do it tyrant stacks will be gone and … JUST DONT


why u dont let us play the game , WHO SAD DEMO IS BAD and needs rework ha ? WHO ?

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