Demo need buffs after all nerfs we got

true , it was doing fine with tier set in pvp insta cast hand of guldan and insta dogs from pvp talent , now its no longer the case sadly

Demo needs it’s previous talents back.

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They ALL need buffed atm, Aff is a joke, a very bad one! Blizzard has hated Locks for a long time now while buffing PvP specs on “other” classes so they can run riot in PvE!
You know it’s going well when only the healer is below you in M+.
Yes, yes, get better gear, learn to play, do the dishes, eat your veggies… heard it all before.

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did you do the dishes today or not ?

Demo is the most damage spec in the game, just not for side quests like PvP and Pet battles. Please buff destruction instead.

Got the some of the highest burst yes but then drops off the grid. If they want more sustained revert the IH nerf… personally i have no interest in raid and would rather they did something more with our talents that help in M+ as outside our CD’s i think our sustained AOE is lacks compared to others, even if you carry over imps into the next pack pull our IMP generation is too slow to keep it up.

You know what i noticed about demo.

This is basically the first spec where the idea for the rework was purely from a negative prospective.

It’s not about improving the gameplay, it’s about reducing mobility, by reducing demonic cores.

I have a feeling that the reason they did this is not because “peaks and valleys” Otherwise their stupid ideas would have never made the light of day, i’m starting to think that all this garbage was done purposefully, and they don’t give a damn about the damage it will do to demo rotation.


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