Demo should be able to play with 1 pet instead of 20

Demo since Legion is a full on pet spec that currently has main pet, alt pet, gloomhounds, charhound, imps, tyrant and whatever else i may be missing.

Alot of us miss the old iteration of demo were you have 1 powerful pet, and a significant amount of the damage came from the warlock himself.

I believe that demo should have talent choice nodes that empower the warlock’s abilities. I think WOD and MOP were the big glory days for demo and it really felt good to play with those huge soul fire crits.

Alot of classes are getting nice reworks and attention, but demonology has been a spec that has lost alot of enthusiasts and kinda only has fotm rerollers playing it whenever its good.


Affliction or Destro are what you are asking for.

Affliction is dot based
Destro big damage
Both have 1 pet.

Demo is for people who like lots of pets.


I know, but what i’m actually asking for is an iteration of demo similar to MOP and WOD that was loved by a ton of people and is different to affli and destro. I’m sure people like the current iteration of demo with pets, but ALOT more people liked demo back then.

It was certainly more similar to destro and affli. But it still had more damage loaded in the felguard, and the soulfire + old demonbolt were some of the best spells in the game

this is just the ancient “concept” of the class, affliction is no longer a dot&rot spec for a while for example and if you play Soul Harvester is even more accentuated.

Regarding Demonology: it is not necessarily the case that a spec still has to be a specific playstyle, also because Demonology has changed a lot over the years. The concept of “master summoners” came out of Legion for the Meta discussion to be granted (like many of our other iconic spells) to another class.

So you could make a “master summoner” spec with many demons if you want, and talents that enhance the warlock’s spells with CD summons for example, or just one main demon and without being tied to the Felguard alone. Years ago there was the PvP talent to use the Succubus and have increased shadow damage and faster shadowbolts (I used it, it was a lot of fun).

I like the concept of summoning many demons, but honestly I would prefer to also have a spec where you have Demons “on demand” (like grimoire: felguard) and powerful nukes. How to do it? Just remove several useless talents or incorporate them into the basic spells and have a branch dedicated to the pure summoning of demons, and a more destructive one but without having about twenty demons

I LOVED the demon form, I can understand that it was given to the new “hero class” (something done for several of our spells over time), but it was enough to simply do it this way: instead of transforming into a demon, the warlock could load himself with "demonic knowledge " and as soon as you reached a certain value you used a skill to infuse your soul with demonic powers temporarily and have the spells modified and enhanced (similar to shadow priest void form), aesthetically making the warlock with an “evil” purple-black appearance, effects of demonic horns and wings without becoming demons (a bit like Malevolence Hellcaller spell)

I would also have liked not to have a permanent demon, but to have the possibility of utility/nuke of grimoire with CD

As much as I agree that demo should be designed with “quality over quantity” idea in mind, Since MoP we had additional demons like Wild Imps, they just spawned by one once every 15-20 seconds or 4-5 if you had a glyph of Imp Swarm.

I would love to see ditching of Felguard as one and only main demon design to embracing all demons and making rest four strong as Felguard and tuned for different situations like it was in MoP.

I would rather have a tight squad of demons, which ones you can tune with the talents. Some are permanently with you and some are summoned on demand and have interconnected synergy.

I agree with this. Never liked pure focus on pets. If you are going to have a pet its better to have 1 you can control that is powerful IMO. Allowing demonology warlocks to summon stronger demons just makes sense.

Edit - Perhaps they could give this as an optional? Demonology warlocks shouldn’t be spectators to their pets IMO.

I personally enjoying having all my pets out.

I would also like the ability to have a spec/ability, where I would summon a demon and absorb it to take on it’s form for x amount of time or something.

But if I do just want a single pet, then I’d play Destro.

Well they have pushed demo more into that direction.
Now a large portion of your damage comes from SB, DB, HOG and implosion (yes i consider this as player damage and not pet)
If you take into count of hero talents then HOG become your main source of damage if you go soul harvester.

The only thing that is kinda missing now is us getting metamorhposis back.

Both BM and Demo need to go back to 1 empowered pet imo.


I want alot of pets. You just gotta respect to play with one pet

Freaking PREACH! :raised_hands:

I guess that is kinda true. I miss the old soul fire crits and the older demonbolt which had a way cooler and more impactful animation. Wasnt every sure why they changed that.

Same is why they changed the animations of all warlock spells - Shadow bolt, Incinerate, Chaos bolt and others.

Most of them look worse in my opinion with few exceptions - Rain of Fire new looks better, Affliction finally has some more or less noticeable effects on enemies when DoTs are rolling. I don’t really like the new chaos bolt model, but the Impact effect when It hits someone is good.

I wish we had a glyph for old spell effects.

U can really tell sometimes that in the massive VFX and animation revamp in Legion, the game lost alot of its “mystique” that it originally had. I blame whoever was overseeing the animators and allowing it to go through.

(ofc some things changed were nice. One I can think of is arcane missiles, the new one is great. A miss was arcane barrage, the old one was great, new one is weak and unimpactful)

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Can’t agree more.

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