Demo Warlock Streamer

i mean it obviously reduces fear cast time, but idk how long the cast is at 15% haste and 25%

Ah OK I think it’s 1.4 if my memory is fine :blush:

Hey ,
after watching your stream i saw some difference between what i do and what you do.

Basicly you use big bladestorm not everytime with big tyrant and paired this with vilefiend (Idk if it’s intentional but i guess you cn get some good dmg out of tyrant ?) i always feel myself nearly unable to got a pressure vs tanky classes if i can’t chain cc the healer enough cause of to low dmg.

Everytime i burst i got the maximum set of imp i can to get the bigest tyrant up and sometimes i see you , poping it without automaticaly a big amount of imp but still got dmg . ( Am i wrong to try to always got big set of imp in general ) ?

And yeah , i usually try to hold on my coil+stun for a big cc chain when bursting but sometimes i see you using this for example on monk to break Fist , i think it’s good cause you take less dmg but isn’t it harder to burst without them ? looks like everything can survive of run eaisly

yeah because im a facking idiot

Here is how the Talent works:

Every imps has 100 “Felenergy”.
Everytime they cast an impbolt they loose 10 Energy.
Your Tyrant is getting empowered by 10% for each 10 Energy you have, so in theory it is better to burst with like 8 imps than with 12 i think.

  • Also you should not hold your cooldowns to long in 2v2, else you are going to fall behind and you basicly automaticly loose.

I do this when i play with a healer which can support in damage, for example with rdruids or holy paladins.

Not only to safe mana from my Healer, but also to make my healer be able to play more aggressive, which means that enemyhealer also needs to use more mana.

You’ll mostlikely randomly force Karma in damp anyways so it wont be that “big” of a deal. What i also try is to drag the Monk away from his port, so he has to use more mobilty.

And lets be honest: if your enemy would just line until damp all demo locks would just autoloose but whatever.

Thx for answers it’s really cool.

I guess I am focusing too much on doing the most dmg and or too much cc which basically put my healer (shamy) in trouble VS spec that I can’t line or kite.

Your games feels way under control than me while we face dk/druid or this kind of comp it’s pretty much everytime a loose even if they overlap or do mistakes.

Thx again for answers and explanation I’m gonna try this Soon😊

Can’t believe youre still playing this awful spec and game :cold_face::grimacing:


Imps lose 20 energy with each cast of fel firebolt.

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