Demon Blades vs Immolation Aura (at high rated pvp)

What do you think about demon blades and immolation aura in the 2nd talent tier? Which one would you choose in certain situations and why? What would those certain situations be?

Simulations shows that demon blades gives me higher dps than immolation aura but the difference is only around ~2% in my ilvl.

So i really have no idea which one should i use. Demon Blades helps me use my gcd better cause i can’t waste it on Demon’s Bite but it only seems good when i can connect to a target. Otherwise i’d choose Immolation Aura.

What do u think?

Demon blades feels random and remove an ability from a class who doesn’t have many to begin with. Not worth it.

Can’t count how many times in pve I was a sitting duck waiting for DB to proc… it’s even worse without felblade.

In all situation, I’d take immo imo.

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Demon Blades is just a no-go in arena. It is unreliable. Try it and you will see, when you absolutely need to land a stun / cc / attack and can’t generate the fury needed because of RNG on auto-attacks.

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I take demon blades over immo for PVP. I take a momentum build. I use vengeful retreat in to fel rush or Fel Blade back in. Generally generate enough fury to spam revolving and chaos strike. Veng again and fel rush back in when needed. You can also time it really well by doing Vengeful then Felblade back in.

I enjoy it because i’m not wasting a global on a crappy filler to generate nor am I relying so heavily on eyebeams which get easily interrupted. I feel like I get better uninterrupted windows of chaos strike dumping. I’m not super high or anything though, so just my opinion. I find it more fun though as I feel far more mobile.

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