Demon Blades


So this might come of as a stupid question, but when did Demon blades get changed, so that it has 100% proc chance from all your auto attacks?

I swear its only been a chance to proc, up until just recently. Or did it change with the Dragonflight overhaul early launch?

It got changed with the Dragonflight (pre-patch) talent rework

Alright I see. Super weird how I havn’t noticed - neither by the tooltip, nor by the fury regen rate. You’d think this change would make me notice a huge bump in fury regen.

They lowered the fury regen afaik. It doesn’t feel particularly good though. Even with Demonic Appetite and Immolation aura regenerating fury, it feels like I’m often starved at crucial moments. Won’t ever be taking Demon’s Bite again though, I rather be starved.

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Yea I guess they reduced the fury number by some amount, to compensate for the higher proc rate

it being stable is better, but despite all the fury generation it feels bad having to wait for 2 or 3 auto attacks :frowning:

Also doesn’t help that we max mastery nowadays so the reduced haste really is easily felt.


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