Demon Hunter Customization Suggestions

Hi all!

I have a few things that I feel should be added as Demon Hunter customization options.
I’m aware this topic has been touched on in the past, but from the looks of it, such posts are not recent, and I really want to put forward my suggestions in a very clear and understandable manner that could possibly cause the post to gain a lot of traction, where other posts have failed to do so, so let’s begin!

1. Metamorphosis Skin Colour Options
Currently, Blood Elves are limited to only a red hued skin colour while in metamorphosis form, while similarly, Night Elves are limited to only a purple hued skin colour while in metamorphosis form. I can see why these have been chosen as the respective colours for each races metamorphosis form, but I do not see a valid reason as to why a Blood Elf DH can not opt to use a purple hued skin colour for their metamorphosis form, and vice versa for Night Elves. As well as purple and red coloured metamorphosis forms being available to DH’s of either race, I also think that if this was to be made available, then other skin colours for metamorphosis form should also be added at the same time; perhaps the option for a green hue, and whatever other colour options the designers felt like adding that would give more options to DH players of varying aesthetic desires.

2. Metamorphosis Armour/Clothing Colour Options
To further compliment any potential skin colour options for Metamorphosis, I think it would also be great if we could change the colour scheme of the armour/clothing that appears on the DH when they go into metamorphosis form. Various colour schemes could be added for this such as enabling the Night Elf ones for Blood Elves, vice versa, and other ones on top as the designers see fit.

3. Horn Shade/Colour Options
Currently, all Demon Hunters have to have the same shade/colour of horns. I think that there should be options to shade/colour them differently. Some shades/colours that I would suggest would be black/onyx/obsidian, a potential darker brown than is currently available, and possibly a red/maroon option.

Those are the big three customization options that I would love to see put in the game for Demon Hunters, but if any Blizzard employees happen to read this, then I also would say to not just stop there, as there are many more options that could be added or enabled for our customization. I wrote this post because I am a Blood Elf Demon Hunter main that seriously loves and enjoys a heavy purple/green aesthetic for Demon Hunters, so much so that my entire PC and peripheral lighting setup follows that same colour scheme, but when I go into Metamorphosis form, it is all ruined, because I am then forced into being red skinned, with red and gold armour/clothing. Yes, I could have a purple skinned Metamorphosis if I was a Night Elf, but I would not be interested in losing my Arcane Torrent racial as I much prefer it over Shadowmeld. To that end, I recently made an alt DH as a Night Elf for practicing/alt PvP gameplay in lower ranked groups, and whilst I really enjoyed having the purple skinned Metamorphosis, I ultimately ended up changing its faction so I could have my Arcane Torrent, as I simply can’t do without it from a gameplay perspective, even on an alt. I do not think I should have to choose between customization enjoyment and gameplay enjoyment like that, so if these kind of customization options were added, it would be very nice for me and I’m sure many other DH players.

Thanks for reading - Felßlaðe


One day. We will get that one day.

It would be great, we would be able to choose the same appearence demon hunters have in Warcraft III: Reforged.

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Honestly, all I want is just to be able to make my Vengeance Demon Hunter’s metamorphosis have the same hair colour as my character lol

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