Demon Hunter defensive options need heavly nerfing in PVP

Blur should be 2 minute
Magic tattoo should be 5% damage reduction down from 10%
Clenased by flame pvp talent should be removed
Netherwalk duration should be reduced by 2 seconds in PVP

I can’t believe they can’t tweak classes to bring them inline with other options after 20 years of working on this game. It’s getting pretty ridiculous.

How is one class this overpowered for this long after so many years? Every game with a DH is miserable. Oh and that means every game really, because who doesn’t play DH right now??

Every game i see DH launching in and instantly pops a CD, cos why wouldn’t you? You have something to rotate through every 30 seconds anyway!

AGREED! DHs are actually super broken

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