Demon hunter not dual wielding on character screen

All my characters are dual wielding on character screen, except my dh. it’s not a gamebreaking bug, it just looks bad, but thought I’d report it.

They should make void elves be able to create demon hunters, would open new transmog opportunities

I’ve had this on and off for a long time now.

For me, it happens when my character is using certain Legion artifact weapon appearances; the ones where transmogging the main hand would automatically change the appearance of the off-hand, too. Is that the same for you, Asteroth, or is yours a different issue?

Examples for me include both of the demon hunter glaives (Twinblades of the Deceiver and Aldrachi Warblades) and guardian druids’ Claws of Ursoc.

I have no faith that Blizzard will ever fix this.

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