Demon hunter races [Suggestion]

Dear Blizzard, (and others) I have a suggestion on how to make demon hunter accessible to other 2 elf races: Nightborne, and Void elf.
Nr 1. Nightborne Magichunter
as the name suggest, as blood and night elves both have demon themed extra cosmetics for their race, could we please have this class unlocked, you could add additional cosmetic options for the base race (a couple) such as Magic scars (think a scar with a flicker of magic) and mana burned eyes that does both suit the race and the class, as well as making metamorphosis conjured (visually) from a magic demon soul, the way I envision this is keeping current model but having it perhaps have magic/ arcane like recolor for Nightborne or have it transparent around our model (think Dathea) where our character is floating inside a magic conjured demon, and eye beam being same fel green with some arcane mixed in for flavor (think desintegrate mixed with current eyebeam) , (minimal change needed just few colors), and throw glaive being the Suramar warglaives.
Lore wise the reasoning would be that the nightborne hung out during legion with the illidari, and were styding them, during which process they learned about how they fight, and expermented using arcane elementals as way to infuse themselves with a simmilar power as inner demon, hence learning how to use demon slaying but instead of using fel they tap into chaotic primordial arcane.
Nr 2. Voidelf Voidhunter.
Simmilarities here, but eseentialy a darker void energy looking demon Tattoos, and a darker void demon form for Metamorphosis, with dark metal looking void like throw glaive, and eyebeam with spice of void energy (eyebeam + shadow priest beam hybrid),
Lore wise instead of inner demon, void elf would further research their link with inner void, and use that as their inner demon with help of Illidari warriors, find they can tap into further void powers, however very unstable and painful, hence they needed the Illidari to train them in demon hunting to funnel that excess power and control it better.

Thus unlocking 2 more races with cool new cosmetics and more variaty, both races have something to offer in terms of racials, and both races are derivatives of the original demon hunter elven races, hence not requiring a lot of resources to pull off in my opinion, as Nightborne uses night elf skeleton and animations, and so do void elfs use blood elf ones.
P.S. For current races you could end some of thoes particles or and effects via glyph system and vice versa for the new ones if so desired.

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