Demon Hunter RP

Three now

My mind split off after the Keti incident


Too much Light will blind anyone. Turn to the shadows. :wink:

If you find the guild, please answer to this comment. I have DH as well with the same problem. I gave up playing it because Horde rp without guild is not possible. And if you don’t, count me in as one signature to create a new guild!!

Super interesting take and deffo great for events/mini campaigns, having some Eredar Walord or some Pitlord building/cementing its power either in some spot on Azeroth or Outland (or wherever) and using the Felhammer to get there and deal with such, like you said just because Sarg is gone doesnt mean the Legion(s?) need to go, similar to Arthas, just cuz Arthas is gone and Bolvar apparently rules the Scourge doesnt mean there wouldnt be other necromancers/liches trying to do something similar on a smaller scale, and it keeps creating content for DH’s/DK’s and those others interested in such threats

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Like the Demons for the Demon Hunters, the undead, luckly are a constant source for RP for the DK
Though the Jailer was slain by the war’s end, the Scourge remained a threat as the mightiest of the Scourge vied for supremacy, like vicious warlords in the wake of their king’s death. One such warlord was the San’layn Vorath, who commanded his Scourge forces from within Deatholme against the Sin’dorei of Quel’Thalas before he was slain. Vorath’s attack on Quel’Thalas had unsettled Lor’themar who suspected that things were even worse in Northrend. (as per Victory for the Sin’dorei)
The Demons of the Legion’s Remnant I guess similar ^^

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It really is very similar, and lets be real? super dope af! just cuz Arthas/Sarg are gone doesnt mean those factions dont split into smaller factions/warbands/legions ect, lead by cool characters DM’s create over time during story/content ect, with champions of their own serving said created big bad, its too damn interesting to not.

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