Demon hunter survivability

Hello guys, i wont even talk about our dmg but i really feel like talking about survivability, by removing the leech from DH the class dies like a paper tower, mages with top tier damage can survive much more than a havoc DH at the moment, what the hell is going on? Nerfing DH was one thing but destroying him utterly is just sad.
Am i just a noob? i dont feel like our darkness and vengeful retreat are enough to keep me alive. I feel like i am playing dark souls 3 everytime i log with my havoc.


You’re not wrong, aside from our terrible st dmg(parsing 99 and still being 10th or higher on dmg meter is ridicilous) survivability is terrible, blur is weak against anything that isn’t physical and even then it feels like crap. They really messed us up, and the worst thing is you cant even respecc since we only have 2 specs


DH can’t even go toe to toe with any other melee class without The Hunt being up WTF. Devs are idiots.


I decided to try playing my old DH again, who’s level 44. I used Chromie time and went the Draenor route and gave up. Tough quest mobs (not elite but with more hit points than normal) became impossible for me because the fights were longer. I’ve not experienced that on another class before.

I realise level 44 is not indicative of end-game play, but it was still bad. Really bad.

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