Demon Hunter Wishlist for Shadowlands

In each an every threat on forums the first thing people say is DELETE DH, if you dont see it… You choose to not see it lol

I cant say it 150 times to each and everyone of you, its not about topping meters. Its about being a god tier dps with 2 keys, with god tier mobility combined with god tier defensives. That is absurd. No class has as much goodies as this one.

Sorry, you compare fury to DH in terms of playing difficulty?
Really now?

I main healers, i should burn my pc if DH beats me but anyways.

Was BM the top pick in M+ all exp?
Was it the most zugzug brainless dps spec in 2’s all expc?

Get real lol
The first time i saw huntards in 2k+ i sit all seasons ive seen was s4.

The meters?
Its not about meters, its about defensive+meters+mobility+toolkit. That needs to go away. I do understand that many people need a two key class to play the game but having so much goodies for pushing 2 keys is absolutely absurd.

I think you just do not like the class because you had argument with some DHs during the course.

Previous argument was topping the meters by spamming the chat. Now it is not about them.

The only reason people dislike DH is not PVE, but PVP. And those are people on the very very middle level. I have friends that are doing 24/25/26 and I HAVE NEVER heard them to complain about demon hunters.

I play Warlock as well as DH. I can see why DH is superior but that goes for mages, BM hunters, etc. Should I flame them since they both are simplier than my class.

The current meta is so extensible that you can easily do +15 without DH. Raidlise you need only one. I think it is time to grow up and move on. It is the person, not the character that behaves bad.

Moreover, even to press 2 buttons you need to press them right. You need to manage your resources to bring good dps, elsewhere you will endup as doing less than tanks, despite being DH.


No. Not really…
Also this internet psychology analysis is not very smart to be fair :stuck_out_tongue:

The spamming chat is a funny addition to the reality of the 2 key spec ^^

Locks are just better in Raiding, in the rest they are not even the slightest compared to DH. Why don you que with your lock for M+ and give it a go how many invites you get?

Im not sure if you realize it but now we dont progress 15’s
When we progressed 15’s with 455-460 gear and trash corruptions, could you do 15’s without a DH?
But you can do 26 with a lok?
Show me.

Now you realize why the 90% of this community dislikes this class? lol

Ofc managing resources on DH is hard, even your interrupt gives you back resources what are we talking about?

By using eye beam only, you are over the tank. :joy:

I’m so happy people are showing crybabies DH is not really the utter most perfectly designed class.

Tired of the crying.

And yeah, it could do with 2 more buttons baked into the rotation.

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I advice you to stay in heal man. I remember previous time you said Unholy DK 2 button braindead spec. If you don’t understand the class, at least do not come here to troll it.

With eye beam you cannot go over the tank, tanks these days thanks to their corruption do hell of a lot dps. Tank with TD 4 is pretty much unbeatable on AOE. I am surprised person that did 15 does not know this.

I know for the argument, because you share it before in some posts. As I said it is the person, not the character. DH is a strong and good class. Same goes as fury that is as simple as DH and on the same power level. Same goes for BM hunter.

If DH is nerf you, and other people will find another class to troll and complain because it is powerful. Play whatever you want. Its more important how you play it than how complicated it is.

That can have several meanings, if you tell me precisely why you “advice” me to stay heal you will get a legit answer. Also i dare you to, make my day.

I was playing wow 5 months and shined between many playing DK’s a very easy class to play, but for sure not as easy as DH.
Now there are several videos on youtube proving what i said and a guy slamming his head on keyboard and topping meters. Find it and learn what you speak of.

What makes you think eye beam dont proc your TD?

For BM maybe, for fury no way.
But then again BM is nowhere even near on dh’s overall toolkit.

You just dont realize it do you?
You cant have all what you have by playing the simplest spec in game. Get real.

Its 2 keys, no matter what.
Ive seen a top tier streamer arguing its 3. I could take his opinion but not yours lol

I mean I dont care for your opinion. It is absolutely incorrect. Even now you show that you do not know the game apart of healing spec you play.

Unholy DK is one of the most complicated specs in this game, not 2 button spec as healer monk. It requires a lot of coordination especially on ST target and 2 resources that need to be maintained.

Second rubbish you just wrote: even if my TD procs on beam, I have half if not less than the tank HP. TD is % based corruption on the HP. So in this case, tank will do twice dps than me.

Enough! As I said you and the rest will always find something to complain we did mythic+ and I never hear anything about my DH then. Have a nice days and less trolling.

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Imagine me about a DH zealot opinions in the forums .ZzZzz

Yes it can be after playing a 2key DH. You must feel overwhelmed. The head bang on keyb video is still on youtube.

I know youre trying to “revenge” or even hurt me :joy: but i can tell you with what you said above you only hurt yourself by looking absolutely fine. Also i dont main monk :rofl:

It will, and since it will it was not rubbish. Now i can see youre looking all type of arguements. The topic was 2key class is way too overpowered with minimal effort it requires.

Well i dont understand you forum people calling the Harsh reality you deslike "trolling. Its not trolling its real.

Not its not. With this post you just proved that you are simply here to “troll”. As I said I am playing warlock as well. This is the most recent one and I start doing +15 on it. Today I will probably timed another one.

The only thing I can see is that you are trying to attack me personally but I dont care. I do respect every spec and play whatever I like. I do not flame of people because they play “meta” heal, dps, or whatever. I enjoy DH, I enjoyed it in end of legion, I liked it in BFA.

I love warlock, I love feral, I love RESTO - the best heal in the game. I play everything and try to play it well. This is what matters.

Just to conclude the argument with you: in blizzard games there are always two or three characters that are greatly more powerful than the rest… and people play them. I cannot blame anyone for playing BM, DH or Fury. It is retarded.


The hard thing would be to have them all timed in the first month.
Now after 3 months that is no longer a progression, i can tell you the only achievement for me would be healing them with blue gear :joy:

I never attacked you personally, i expressed what i see for your class and you took it personally. I dont know if its your RP feelings but if you dont like someone you can ignore him buddy.

Why would you?
You strictly chase META…

You should know resto is not the best heal, it was the best toolkit. :rofl:

Those classes are the not balanced classes and thats why 2-3 are only broken out of 13.

That means out of 13 classes we have 39 specs, when you see the game represented by 5 there is something wrong. ONLY WHEN YOURE CHOOSE TO SEE IT BECAUSE YOU DONT PLAY IT

When you play it though… Whoever DARES to mention anything about your OP META CLASS is a troll and attacks you personally and yada yada ya. Get real. If you are really sensitive or dislike others opinions you should get off the forums.

You have no knowledge on the classes. You are a troll, a TROLL in a way that talk for things with a very confident tone. In other ways, you are unreasonable and here is an evidence for that:

All the people says that it is kind of complex rotation. It is long and kind of can be easily interrupted in PVE due to the mechanics. But you still insist that your opinion is right. At least now you are not putting them in 2 button spec like before due to your illiteracy.

You dont know the DH as well. I am sure you cannot play the class correctly, you dont even play it or compete with it. You are heal and average player like me. But you are still here to flame. You never checked anything, because if you did you will know:

  1. In Ny’Lotha DHs went to three different builds to perform above avarage:
  • In wrathion, shad and xanesh they went feasible /. demon blades.
  • On hive and cara they changed to fel barrage that really require skill to pop the dps since you need to save your 1 min cd for the right moment.
  • On Nzoth, they went with the last essence and there you need to catch the right moment in order your cd to be reset to 15/4 seconds not 45. For breath of dying I am talking.

If you want to explore the class you always will. If you want to troll and cry for nerfs, you as well will.

About the final part: I was talking for all their games. It is my first time playing wow, first time playing HS - went legend there as well and same goes for HoTS. They just promote some classes over the others, then switch. This is who they really are.

That comment comes from someone that said that DH requires you to mastery how to press those 2 buttons? How can i take you seriously on this? xD

Once more:

Read it again.

In practice:

Get real.

Can DH be played incorrectly? lol
Now that is an achievement!

Don’t bother dude, these guys can’t understand and are set in their ideas. You can’t change it, not even a little.

Soon they’ll switch the crying to another spec or class, even if they added more skills to the DH rotation ( which I hope they do) they will still complain about it.

PvP wise they are like some low/mid tier players who just don’t have the patience to learn and understand game/class mechanics to become better. If that’s the case in WoW, imagine in PvP focused games where knowledge and skill actually matter. They’ll either uninstall or flood the forums… or both.


I give up. Just try to reason but it’s hard. Anyway, he posted me a video that the guy from method hits the keyboard after he set up all the resources and left the pandemic to spread due to the adds. By the way, other confirmation that the m8 does not have idea what is going on xD

The only one that cant understand is you guys with your 2 keys. Try rerolling and compete. You will undertand in a few months what im saying after you get back to your skill-safe space DH.

I told you, my 1st class in this game was DK. Got a CE with it after 6 months starting the game. The video shows clearly what you are not willing to understand, imagine how bad would be if it was a DH instead of UH DK that obviously has a higher skill cap than DH

Majority of the classes are brain dead nowadays. Hopefully SL will change that.

I Used to be a rogue main until Legion pre-patch, also don’t worry I play way harder games for PvP, it’s satisfying :wink:

All in all, stop complaining over smoke and git gud.

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Well, as you can obviously see I play other classes. Try to re-roll from monk and stop trolling for things you do not understand. And please, next time do not LIE for DK. If your main was a DK you would know at least the logic of the rotation.

As I said: you cannot argue, you are changing your arguments (1), second you are lying, and last but not least you have no knowledge of the class you discuss now.

Says the classic DH that has
0 raiding achievs
0 pvp achievs
0 M+ achievs

You dont even play this game my friend… How you have such strong opinions? lol

Oh yeah:

What he said ^^

I have all healers in my arsenal except Hpala

As it seems you dont understand anything considering you called MW a 2 key spec rofl.

I dont lie, i gave you a vid to un-blind youself and to expose your “lies” lol

Absolutely not, i prove anything i talk about. Hence the head banging DK you enjoy but try to explain in bs tier arguments. DK that i mained back in WoD.


That comes from someone who thinks DH has a mastery in its 2 keys?
Also from the one that thinks MW’s is 2 key class?
By now you should realize that each and every useless attack you spew against me just because speaking out truth, you describe only your self.

Not really, let me visually prove it, and our IQ btw is the last problem you have:

I can find the post where you said that Unholy is 2 buttons spec, and people corrected you that you are talking about frost if you would like ?

If i was this you describe, id raid myself with 2 keys ^^

After all your fails to prove me your point, you gone back to DK?
What are you talking about, gave you the video LOOK AT IT and stop being what you describe again: