Demon Hunters : a suggested fix

Mr rogue priest and mage combo in 3v3 's been meta for forever. That little Timmy will play one of those to get a clear advantage.
I do agree that warlock is hella underpowered tho but it’s the same in every situation atm. They are basically sum stones and healthstones. They need to buff classes who are underpowered or just stop inventing wheel every xpac. Everyone liked their class or at least their class had a playable spec during Legion but for some reason they choosed to scrap them.
Revert gcd changes , bring back legiondary abilities and bring back artifact trait abilities. Or at least revert gcd and bring artifact trait abilities back.

I use my DH to express my utter disgust for the class and whine about it like a baby.
My warlock is for scattered thoughts.
My hunter is for serious, constructed posts & genuine suggestions.

I do, but since I’m well aware this can’t happen, I’ll do the next more reasonable thing: fix the class.


For ME its hella fun PvE wise, im not speaking for everyone though.
Hell i only have like /played 2 days on mine :confused:

Didnt try to make fun of you, i enjoy those posts though : D

and this thread it looks like it yeah.

Because it is.
We basically are uneffected by gcd , fluid non proc based gameplay , no wait time and we can double jump. Still missing my legion artifact traits but everything is garbo in Bfa , i’m basically greatefull of we survived legion to bfa with less damage than other classes

Why everyone think by pressing 2 more buttons will make the class more fun? Wanna press more buttons? The bind each ability by pressing 2 buttons and place them in weird places so you can feel more satisfied and more skilled


That’s some dedication, creating so many topics about a class. Don’t remember you asking to remove or “fix” warlocks in Legion when they were ahead both in pve and in pvp though. Does this only work when it’s not your main’s class on top?


Go play a MOBA.

I created my warlock during BFA lad.

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That’s another thing , i never seen any warlock threads during legion while they were by far the best st and multi dps in game. It wasn’t even a competition. Now dh is performing good and everyone hates it lol. We are not even top dps , we gud but not top


Huh, I remember plenty of them, after all I mained one then :crazy_face: Nobody asking for removal though.

Being overpowered can be somewhat fine if there’s some skill involved. There’s none in playing DH.
Can’t speak for Legion lock, I wasn’t playing one back then.

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I should correct myself , not in this scale. I had a lock during legion too not mained it but was doing my weekly m+ and raid clears.

So you can say spamming frostbolt to get procs or creating a macro to blow off all your offensive abilities is a skill? Btw every class has 2-3 button rotation and offensive cd’s which dh has also. Main spender , main filler / resource generator and conditional buttons.
For the legion lock , they basically could solo raid bosses during antorus tier.I remember during m+ if tank dies you could handle the boss for a while. You can easily access it by a quick search on youtube by writing garothi worldbreaker 7.3.2 solo. That %20 leech you all been crying about is nothing compared to that lol.

I’m not saying it’s hard but everything is ez to play. Deal with it. Your hunter doesn’t require more skill to play than a dh or some proc based 10 sec afk class doesn’t really require more skill. Cry is free . Basically you can bring salt i already have popcorn.

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What lol. In the end, after numerous balancing and buffs we were competitive. In the start of legion warlocks got declined or downright removed from groups due to bad performance.

Only problematic spec was demo in legion. Others were pretty solid and competitive. Afflicttion lock was the most op thing ever came to this game. Top damage st raid , top aoe damage m+ and pretty solid mobility. Had some weird legendary issues tho , i remember demo lego was a bis for other spec lock and world boss 840 trinket was a bis through all xpac and kinda relied legendaries which every class suffered during 7.0

First of all, no.

Secondly, ez or not, the class is ridiculously strong in pvp.

This comes from a person who played both. I play hunter because I like it. I “played” DH because I wanted to confirm it myself that they are too strong.

Fun for DHs come at the expense of other people’s fun. That shouldnt be.

I agree with the OP.

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DH belongs into a MOBA game not an MMO like WoW.
What weakness does DH even have?


The question is not about how fun it is to play one. The question is the unfair advantage it is to play one compared to other clasess in terms of performance and things you can do more easily (horrific visions to name one). The fact that I should drop my chars because I can reroll DH is not an argument to justify the imbalance