Demon Hunters deleted in 10.1

Blizzard has decided to delete Demon Hunters in 10.1, as the release was originally intended to be a joke, but sadly the team responsible for class design was busy with some important tasks, like designing mounts for the 6-month subs.
But finally they are ready to be removed!

Post your happy thoughts below.


DH reign has been for a long long time. Blizzard class tuning is for one reason and one reason only, never keep anything sustainable so people don’t get too comfortable. Too comfortable people get bored and it means they quit the game. Nerfs, buffs and reworks makes the game ever changing and alive so people keep the emotional connection, positive or negative. You just walked in the trap :wink:


I did, and I’m normally the one trapping. Killing a sad priest never feels as good as killing a demon hunter… even now.

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You guys must play a different demon hunter. I have the most fun in wow since a very long time playing havoc.

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DH as demonic is quite a fun build, not going to lie. Yet, with the changes to make eyebeam weaker baseline (to make the tierset less powerful), just pushes you further into a more momentum playstyle. Once the tierset is gone, then we can talk about DH being deleted on my part.

For now, we get one season where hopefully, demonic get to shine a bit. Then it is gone, as it’s main power in Eye Beam got gutted quite nastly.

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