Demon Hunters in Arena

Coming from a monk in the current stand of t1 classes 2


You’re boosted with almost 100 games played at 1.7k in 3s, what do you know about classes? :joy:


Quote the part where I whine please.

I read my own post and all I see is someone stating a spell can’t be dodged and an assumption of Sub vs DH if Sub was better.

And DH is stupid. Even if I played DH myself, I think if the fact is that it IS stupid I would be allowed to say it without a random imbecile trying to make it look like it’s not ?

Imagine a fat person telling another fat person he’s fat. Well that’s a dam FACT, you can’t say nah no he’s not far because youx a fat person too, said it.

Try to be intelligent and polite next time you type something.


Just post on your main DH Arath instead. Also, do you feel good breaking 1750 in 3s a month ago as DH? Only class you’ve broken 2k with is DH in 2s.

You’re boosted by your class dude, you shouldn’t trashtalk others. 2k as DH is like breaking 1550 as other classes.


I always say tue same to Ppl i dont take the Game srs at season Starts at the end i have gladiator and ur still 1.5 b*tch my lowest played alt Which was dk has 2252 higher xp than ur whole acc

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tbh I only find DH to be problematic in 2v2, but even there assa rogue is much better.

In 3v3 DH isn’t overpowered currently.


You’re so smart you can check-pvp i bet you feel so good about yourself :joy: Reason why i’m posting on this monk is because i literally replied to a monk post earlier and i cba changing but that doesn’t change anything. Dh has touched you in so many places you’re just desperate at that point, but i’ll bite.

The fact that i haven’t pushed with other classes was because i geared my dh during bfa firstly without knowing how retarded the grind is and i just lost motivation to do everything all over again on my alts. Also i’m not going for rating to flex my virginity powers on virtual numbers like most tilted teenagers tend to do here, i’m literally only doing it for the weekly gear and i would have took it a bit more serious if i had consistent partners but sadly my id list is filled with raiders and M+ runners :confused: But that doesn’t mean i’m clueless about the game like you flexers here, I literally just laugh hard when you say that getting 2k as X is like getting 1550 as Y during BFA, the literal simplest version this game has ever been.

Atleast i didn’t pay for my xp and kept doing whining threads every single day :wink:


Amy proof no then next 2k Max Tryhard in my ignore list Go play ur op specc was made for ppl like u.

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If you know how to read you’d know that it’s exactly the opposite of tryharding but yeah i think you’re too used to crying on these forums lmao.

Also your proof is the fact that half these forums know you got boosted and ive seen you getting called out many times before aswell ^^


Imagine playing dh Not Haveing 2.4 or gladiator kek

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imagine paying for it


Mana rift is not enough to fix em. They are an absoluze aids to deal with for casters too. My class (sp) gets outhealed passively till deep dampening…its so apeproof class its not funny anymore…how they are still untouched.
Remove manarift…neef leech by atleast 50%. Leave them with 30k+ constant dps and unmatched mobility for all i care…but if they play like tunneling mongoloids wothout the need to go back or peel or retreat then theres smtn wrong.



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Also mayby im out of the loop but i have NO idea why reverse magic still exists on DHs, theyre really not a class that should have that.

I mean, id rather be a “glad” dh than paying for it like you did Rakar, been proven and talked about on other threads. My question is, why you act like you belong here?? :roll_eyes:

There’s literally no proof it’s just speculations which I doubt they’re true. No one gives a damn about the amount of games played in bfa lol

Try Harding for a good W / L is completely irrelevant and doesn’t mean anything anymore with all this bs pve in arenas, why even bother? lol


Wrong :point_up_2:

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Prove it then?
Screenshots? No? Then there’s no proof lol


Yeah you’re right to some extent. But that wasn’t my whole point when that dude came charging at me (pun intended) like a moody 10 year old lol

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Ryuklock I’ve noticed some of your own alts have liked Kirosan’s post that’s pretty yikes dude lol