Demon hunters, rogues, warlocks and fury warriors need healing adressed

nah you must be trolling. All the nonsense you write and all your arguments are based on you not even being maxlevel? Thats too much for me.

demo was the best caster last season. Literally the number one spot in EU was a demo and there were multiple demos even in 2vs2 in the top 100.

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Yes and still the pet was a ready kill target in 3s. Even without focusing.

Iā€™m mainly doing quests and bgs to LvL, but you are trolling by wanting to nerf a class when it is only one spec that is busted

i dont even say we need more nerfs right now. Im saying the nerfs on soul leech were deserved because affli AND demo are currently overperforming and no demo doesnt need more survivability lol.

tell me you dont play warlock without telling me you dont play warlock

I meant with more survivability the SL beton of warlock. Im happy with that in DF.

Tomorrow will be my run to 70, I just hope i get enough Honor to buy the full gear.

But i will keep my thought about destruction, this will be the hidden warlock spec.

All i read is nerf Affliction and nerf demo, in dmg i think destruction is even ahead of both. But it is harder to get it done.

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Topped the damage meter, topped the healing meter (amongst DPS), survived without wall for about 10 seconds, multiple times.

The difference is that this enchance shaman knows how to play his spec meanwhile you obviously donā€™t and/or are as clueless as you can be on a specā€™s strength.

Go learn how to play the game then come back here to talk.

And yes; Aff plays with GoSac, thats just you being clueless again. And its the spec within Lock with the strong healing. Demo and Dest is nowhere near Aff and is often either on par or below others in self-healing through Soul Leech.

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Played Skirmishes today and imo Lock is by far the easiest class to keep alive, their defense is absolutely ridiculous. Literally more tanky than a tank (both demo and affli). Feels completely tedious to play against it, at least theyā€™re nerfing that dumb curse that increased my cast times by 40%ā€¦

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Cant take any word you say seriously.

Have you ever played sp?


Iā€™m only playing warlock.

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