Demon Hunters ruining the game and PVP experience

Title says its all.

How can one class absolutely ruin the game? Ruin all the fun and make me dont want to play anymore? How many more weeks we need to wait for at least try to reduce DH dmg?


You can always stop playing. Just saying.

mages have done this to me for years… whats your point?

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Dh damage is fine, it was nerfed and it’s no longer too strong. If anything dh is a good template of how a dps spec should operate, in short does good damage in both aoe and st at the same time, but if you want you can specialize and get a little more damage in either aoe or st by sacrificing in one of the aspects.

Anyway, f pvp, you guys are always out to nerf everything, that even remotely challenges you. If balance was left to you people, we wouldn’t have anything fun to actually play.

Remember when we had templates? And pvpers collectively said no, you guys don’t give a single f about balance, you just want to smash people with lower ilvl than you.

After that, the small respect i had for most pvpers basically evaporated.

Don’t pretend you care about balance when you slap away the best solution to make pvp balanced.

So just be quiet.


Its so funny to see thread full of dh mains defending their class that is topping all parameters every match, that is one of the most participated specs on high rating and is never a kill target. If dh is balanced then most of other classes needs serious buffs but you guys wont be happy with it, too☚


Well, i dont care if they buff others or nerf DH tbh. Im just happy, i can play as this class from lore perspective. It is just funny all this topic about DH, because they never give us proper numbers, just “NERF HIM, i CANNOT PLAY. IT IS NOT FUN ANYMORE”. Thats it. Alot people also saying, that with 3 buttons we doing more dps than other classes. So show me that.

Dh dont do more dmg with 3 buttons. But something is definetely wrong with class when it can kill majority of another specs in duel or win arena just by doing pve rotation. It just feels unfair when you see dh just doing pve rotation and you bring so much effort to win him but any mistake from your side and his pve rotation won you (while dh dont care about anything. Just doing pve rotation. At 2k can also use imprison on healer).

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Is this not a main idea of the class, to being simple? I never play legion but i think they always look like that. Simple and effective. More or less.

But PvP has to be different from PvE…You’re not supposed to DPS a warrior the same way you DPS a world quest boss.

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Every DH after reading this…

‘Hold my beer’

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Delusional dh players do not wanna leave the comfort zone…Go check the statistics and the ladders in general both pve-pvp…You guys the ego you have and the imagination is beyond limit and as i said i do also have played dh and have hit 2.1k pvp rating without even trying this season and i do confirm it is out of control…I am not trying to convince people dh is fine all good keep going lol…get out of th comfort zone and do not afraid to speak the truth.In the end it will be good overall for everyone.


Because you are experience player man! That’s why you hit that 2k! It is also funny, you leave some post on two different topics with same funny argument, about people being delusional, comfort zone. Its like you just got amazing experience idea, about new word and start typing same and same.

Our BIG ego saying, you are too experience for this topic, but you want some attention, that is why you keep taking. I tell you last time, we are so happy we have in horde such amazing and experience player with BIG brain.

You still posting in every forum though and all your posts are completely pointless.At least post something useful,do not post ideas and things from your little delusional imaginary brain you have about me.Too cringe…I am in your head hard i guess lol…Weakling xD

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Just had a DH beat me (prot warrior) and a ret paladin 2v1.
He outhealed all damage and nuked us with 3 abilities.


Oh what a surprise xD!

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dh does alot of dmg but he can be killed
try arcane mage wich is pretty good state now

There is 57 arcane mages above 1800 rating on 2v2, i would not call it “good state”, more like “playable” lol.

It is usefull. I need to told every1, how experience you are. So many people if have problem, can ask you everytime about life and ‘how to dying from every DH ingame. Tips and tricks’ because your BIG 2k brain always have something to say.

Anything you say legit makes no sense.You are out of the topic lol.

Funny how many trolling dh’s there seem to be here.
They’re still too strong in pvp, so I’m all in for a little nerf.