Demon Hunters ⤵

Is it? Last thing I heared is that they were bottom of the barrel DPS along with Fury Warrs.

To quote Illidan himself;

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Well, not gona lie, those u mentioned are and were OP for almost whole wow pvp life ( talking pvp here)

But noone of those classes has so much “button for that” than DH and thats stupid design imo.

I dont know about DH nerfs, i dont care about their numbers, they will be strong till they have they utility and kit

Op or not demon hunters have been fun to play, if they wanted to nerf them they should have just lowered damage values. Instead they made the class feel clunky, which is not good at all. They should focus on making other classes fun to play rather than destroys specs. Since dh only has one dps spec I’d expect less people to play them.

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it sucks, but I don’t see them back peddling it any time soon.

I only have to say good riddance to DH supremacy in both PvE and PvP content, the nerfs are well deserved.

They were a bit too good for their own sake really.

I mean they had an answer to /everything/ in the game, I’d say they were the closest we got to a god class.

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Yes they were. I would have just dropped a like on your reply, but it seems like I am all out of likes for the day :heart:

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It’s ok, I appreciate the like even if it is solely in spirit.

I loved my DH sadly i wont play a class that has to use mobility to dps. I cant stand fel rushing and then running back to a mob . They got overnerfed and fel rush build is too forced.

I wonder which will be the next class you guys will cry about… will it be the rogues that are dominating everything or maybe the warlocks? Or maybe the 1 button wonder arcane mages who actually 1 shotted me with just spamming arcane missiles. Enjoy whats coming i’m sure you’ll find another class to complain about.

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I agree, the dps rotation now feels horrible to play where as it used to be smooth. Now its barely worth blade dancing? What kind of design is that.

Its a shame I had wanted dh to be in the game since the burning crusade, and now I dont want to play it cause they ruined how it plays. So now I’m desperately trying all classes to decide what I’m going to main

That keyboard size is pretty accurate, though now they will need to find one with only a single button on it.

PS: No DHs were harmed in the writing of this post.

If they’re really as bad in Shadowlands as people claim, they can just remap the 2 buttons to ALT + F4.

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I am sorry, but I already copyrighted ALT+F4 as my new combustion opener in SL, so they have to find another combination (if fire ends up being as bad as it is predicted to be.)


DH game cotroller here you go:

I have not played DH at least not to max level. And, as I play solo their damage level does not concern me. But their movement around a mob is so annoying like being buzzed by an enormous fly.

My grasp on DH comes from the fact that during legion’s class revamp, we were told that classes should not be allowed to do everything fine…so they released DH which besides of Execute brings everything you want :
-single target CC
-cleave CC
-Raid wide CD
-Good cleave
-Good Single target
-Best mobility
-Magical damages increase for the group

I’m not against DH having that overloaded kit if others classes were allowed to keep theirs (Like ret paladin having a raid wide CD and mobility, DK having more mobility)

No worries, I hate them, because they are supposed to be pure DPS classes, but they also bring better and more consistent utility spells than hybrid classes, which feels meh. For instance, mage brings lust, 5% Intel buff for the group, offensive and defensive dispell. On the Other hand, shaman brings lust, dispell and irrelevant healing. If I were honest, I would advocate for either :
-Prune time warp and defensive dispell for mages.
-Make shaman’s dps in line with mage.

I see four buttons and directional controls there. I feel that may be too much.

Unless you play fire you are literally banned from calling DHs a 1 button spec.
And even if you do play fire… well you play fire.