Demon Hunters ⤵

2 of them in the middle are enter arena and leave arena.

They are certainly more than a single button spec, I know that really well because I used to play with a really good one in M+ (it is why I know just how strong the class was in PvE.)

Still, there are memes that must continue. Havoc is one such meme.

And for the record yes, I do play fire.

Oh, but there are still four directions. DH only requires W, so what will happen with the others?

He need to fly somehow, coz its batman?

With the mouse I always thought.

Maybe DH need three different auto-attacks, each bound to a different button, which you need to mash in a pre-set combination in order for the auto attack to land.


DHs never had the BEST mobility in the game. If we’re talking Arenas that title goes to Monks hands down.
DH’s didn’t even have decent burst dmg before the nerfs

Arcane Missile spam rotation is an anomaly a lot of us mains wish didn’t exist. Now it will very likely skew “balancing” later. Missiles without Clearcasting could just damage less, for example. Plus, this is prepatch, and Blizzard felt the need to “tune” one of our borrowed powers instead.

I worry that in the place of a specialization’s irregularity being fixed (Missiles do not even interact with a lot of the spec), Blizzard will nerf some other borrowed power in Shadowlands proper.

And she said!

I come from a land down under…

Where shamans grow and demon hunters suffer.

Cant you hear, can’t you hear the thunder?
You better run you better take cover.

Oh I come from a land down under
Where windfury flows and Demon Hunters shudder!

Cant you hear cant you hear the thunder?

Didn’t think the uhh last lyric on that line would be appropriate on forums given the meaning :hugs:

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