It took way too long, but we did it guys!
now we’re bound to the one pet more than ever <3
Finally a good news =D
Welllll, I think one of the most asked for features was an interrupt separated from their summoned demon, but this is definitely still a really good compromise. Quite happy with it to be honest.
Axe Toss The Felguard hurls its weapon, stunning or interrupting the target for 4 sec.
how will it work tho?
what if i wanna stun a target that’s casting? what’ll happen?
seems lazy af
I think when you press Axe Toss against casting target it will kick it. So I have no idea what to do when I need stun casting target.
Or maybe like 2 different buttons. Axe Toss-Kick and Axe Toss-Stun.
two different abilities with a shared cd would be okay i guess
Assuming it will interrupt if it can, and stun if it can’t
Alright, now how we should identify if target is IMMUNE to CC and stuns?
Second, what if target stands good 30 yd away from felguard? Normal interrupt will hit that target instantly, but axe from Axe toss will fly 1.5 seconds to that target, and this will give target a window for finish the cast.
Why give interrupt for felguard? What if i don’t wanna use it? Pre legion i could play with every demon, and now you continue to push that fel guard agenda. We are demonology warlocks - demonology in lore, not a freaking felguardonologists, Idea of demonology is to able to play with every demon, not a one speciefic. And on top of that in lore Felguard even not the strongest demon, then why push him as the ONE AND ONLY choice for demo.
Give is back pre legion Grimoire of service, so we could summon fel hunter to interrupt targets, this would have been the most elegant and useful solution for demo.
Other way around. It will stun. If it cant (ie boss mob) it’ll just inturrupt (assuming the spell being cast is inturruptable).
i don’t like this. axe toss has a travel time and it’s kinda luck based if it’ll land. i would’ve preferred call felhunter made baseline. oh well
Is it not baseline? Last I checked, I still had a felhunter on my demo.
Ah, you mean baseline as in you do not need the pet out in order to use said interrupt?
Not baseline in the fact that everyone has it (Which we currently do).
baseline as in, call felhunter, the pvp talent, made a baseline spell that you don’t have to talent into.
You guys are hyping nothing.
The gameplay is still going to be boring zzzz
thats what shadowfury is for. now we have access to both
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