They keep me in combat forever. I’m just at a training dummy and I have to just run quite far away to finally be able to mount up.
This is a serious problem because it affects directly the flow in PVE situations and PvP situations especially. I’m kept in combat well beyond anyone else and get left behind.
Can you just make it so that imps don’t have an effect on combat status please?
They won’t allow it because of Wild imps and Implosion, If you will allow wild imps to chill on passive you can accumulate dozens of them and then use mega implosion. This is their line of thought on this.
And other moment why we have demons out of our control - no designer plays warlocks and especially demo, they don’t see a freaking glaring errors in design and code, they have some crappy ideas during brain fart… I mean brain storm and they then use bare minimum effort to implement that in game. Look at the state of Diabolist on the release when 2/3 demons attacked anything but your target, Soul leech bug. Outdated Talents, overlapping CC, outdated toolkit of our demons… and issues goes even further.