The goal of this post is to provide a potentially quick to implement (as in it could be implemented by next patch) balancing changes to demonology warlock talents and abilities to make them more viable. I will do my best to not overbuff the abilities but some are severly underused and require strong buffs IMHO to become a consideration.
The format of the proposed changes is the following:
tier number:
#column ability 1: new effect
#column abiility 2: new effect
#column new ability #1: effect
Talents that are not mentioned are left unchanged.
Tier 1:
#1 Dreadlash: Gains the additional effect: your dreadstalkers melee attack now hits all enemies within 8 yards for 75 % of the damage.
Explanation: Dreadlash currently is considered rather weak, giving dreadstalkers more AOE utility I believe is a good way to buff it.
#2 Bilescourge Bombers: Gains the additional effect: after the portal ends 2 bilescourges stay behind to fight for you for 15 seconds.
Explanation: Currently the ability is overpriced and not-spammable which makes it rather useless unless you want an additional aoe ability every 30 seconds but even then the cost of 2 soul shards makes it feel like you are better of just doing another hand of guldan which not only helps with demonic core generation but also deals more damage (according to tooltip). Having 2 bilescourges stay behind plays well with the demon army master warlock fantasy that we have and IMHO justifies the cost of 2 soul shards and a cooldown. You can compare it with Call Dreadstalkers.
Tier 2:
#1 Demonic Calling: Gains the additional effect: Every time the Demonic Calling procs reduce the cooldown of Call Dreadstalkers by 5 seconds.
Explanation: Currently there is a high chance that you are sitting for a long time (10-20 seconds) with Demonic Calling buff up because it just happened to proc after you already cast dreadstalkers, this change is aimed to make such situations less likely to happen. You will be able to cast dreadstalkers more frequently which has synergy with Carnivorous Stalkers conduit and with Tyrant.
Alternatively make the buff last longer (30 seconds) and stack up to 5 times. This would also solve some issues with it.
#2 Power Siphon: Gains the additional effect: Sacrifing an imp grants 10 % movement speed bonus (stacks twice). Imps that have energy left but not enough for firebolt can also be sacrificed now. (refer to this if you don’t know what I mean Demonology ability and talent information )
Explanation: In my mind Power Siphon is the “mobility” talent. You sacrifice a strong Demonic Calling to gain more ability in the form of 2 instant Demonbolts so you can move slightly every 30 seconds. Additional movement speed could help with that.
#3 Doom: Gains an additional effect: After Doom expires on the target summon a Doomguard to fight for you for 18 seconds.
Explanation: No one cares about Doom in its current state, This change provides additional value to the talent in all kinds of content while playing into our demon army fantasy with additional synergy with Tyrant.
Tier 3:
#2 Burning Rush: new effect: Increases your movement speed by 50%, but also damages ALL YOUR SUMMONED DEMONS for 4 % of YOUR maximum health every 1 sec. If you have no summoned demons the effect damages you instead. Movement impairing effects may not reduce you below 100 % of normal movement speed. Lasts until cancelled.
Explanation: Currently in content that matters you wouldn’t ever pick Burning Rush because of the damage. I think this change could prove to be more beneficial in more movement heavy fights while still preserving the “sacrifice” theme of warlocks - now more suited for the current iteration of demonology.
#3 Dark Pact: new effect: Sacrifies 20% of ALL YOUR SUMMONED DEMONS current health to shield you for 100 % of the sacrified health for 20 sec. 1 sec cast.
Explanation: Similarly to above, a version more fit for the current iteration of demonology.
Tier 4:
#2 Soul Strike: gains an additional effect: replace shadowbolt with Soul Strike and Soul Strike has no cooldown.
Explanation: Mobility talent but potentially a double-edged sword because it ties your soul shard generation to your pet. Killing the pet now creates an interesting counter play to warlocks playing this talent hence why I think the removal of cooldown is justified. Besides you still suffer from pet AI issues etc.
#3 Summon Vilefiend: now baseline.
Explanation: Pretty much everyone (who plays demonology…) uses it, its a nice additional stronger demon - should be baseline.
#3 new talent Hand of Fate: Hand of Gul’dan can now consume up to 5 soul shards. Consuming 5 soul shards also commands 1 demon from the Nether to come out and fight for you for 10 seconds.
Explanation: Strangely enough demonology has no talent directly modifying HoG and it is our base spender. I thought a talent like this could be great for raids and offer extra variety to the demons we summon.
Tier 6:
#1 Soul Conduit: new effect: Every third Shadow Bolt that you cast will generate an additional Soul Shard. Additional you can accumulate now 7 soul shards.
Explanation: Old Soul Conduit is sometimes used but damages the flow of rotation for demonology. This talent is supposed to help with SS generation in a predictable way so that you can plan your big tyrant combos better.
#2 Inner Demons: buff: passively summon a Wild Imp every 6 seconds instead of every 12 seconds, and have a 15 % chance to also summon an additional Demon to fight for you for 15 seconds.
Explanation: This talent exists to make rotation simpler and give you some passive demons generation which I think people could enjoy more. It also feels better to walk around with an army of demons around you. Currently this talent isn’t really used that much and I think a buff is needed.
#3 Grimoire: Felguard now baseline
Explanation: additional stun, demon and aoe burst in one cooldown, pretty much everyone uses it - it should be core of the spec.
#3 new talent Master Demonologist: You are able to summon a second permanent pet of your choosing (Felguard, Succubus, Felhunter, Voidwalker, Imp) to fight for you that will occasionally use its special abilities to help you in combat. You can’t have 2 of the same pets.
Explanation: Would be really cool to be able to use other pets apart from Felguard and this is one way around it.
Tier 7:
#1 Sacrified Souls - now also increases damage of hand of gul’dan by 4 % per summoned demon.
Explanation: Realistically there is no reason why wouldn’t it. HoG isn’t that much of damage either way and this would be another nice passive talent for people who want to have some easier time.
#2 Demonic Consumption - now baseline
Explanation: its pretty much the default now and imho fits the fantasy hence why it should be a baseline ability of the spec. Currently tyrant requires a lot of setup to use well and this change makes him stronger with potentially very high burst damage.
#2 new talent: Metamorphosis: Consume life from all your demons sacrificing them to empower yourself and transforming into a demonic form for 20 seconds.
4.5 min cooldown, 1.5 sec cast time.
You gain:
- 5 % increased armor per every demon consumed.
- 5 % increased damage done by shadow bolt and demon bolt per every wild imp consumed, 7.5 % per every other temporary demon.
- 10 % increased damage done and haste per permanent demon consumed.
Explanation: A returning metamorphosis playing better into the current iteration of the spec. Currently the way to play demonology is to spawn as many demons as possible and get them buffed by Tyrant to have a 15 second burst window. The idea behind metamorphosis is that every 3 tyrants you have an option to massively buff yourself (and feel like a master of demons) by sacrificing your summoned demons. Ideal way to use this ability would be to cast it at the end of Tyrant window which is a moment when your damage goes down a lot. The highest damage bonus boosts your generator Shadow Bolt and Demon Bolt which creates the feeling of actually doing damage yourself while that damage is miles behind what a fire mage or destruction warlock can pull off.
#3 Nether Portal: now costs 5 Soul Shards, has 3 second cast time, has the same effect but also gains a new one: opening a nether portal will summon copies of all your permanent demons to fight for you for 12 seconds (Felguard, Succubus, Felhunter, Voidwalker, Imp). These demons will use their special abilities: Felstorm, Whiplash, Spell Lock, Shadow Bulwark, Singe Magic.
Explanation: Probably the heaviest buff in this prosposition. The idea behind this is mostly flavor. Its cool too see all your permanent demons out even if for 12 seconds. It adds immediate value to nether portal which can be enhanced further by spending soul shards like it is currently to summon weaker demons. The concern could be that combined with Tyrant that ability could be too strong for pvp and in that case I would propose reducing the damage done by the summoned demons to compensate. But even without the nerf there are still counter plays to it and 3 seconds cast time is a lot.
That concludes my proposed demonology changes. I think this suggestion achieves the following:
- More viable movement options while still having heavy movement as a big downside of demonology warlocks
- Popular go-to choices of talents made baseline
- More variety in the summoned armies that you command
- More damage outside of Tyrant window which is a popular complaint
- More talents as interesting viable choices and actually being able to have many different builds according to your liking
- Passive talent options for people who desire simpler gameplay or less demon managing
- Increase in flavour and class fantasy through Metamorphosis and more varied demons
- IMHO not going too overboard with damage buffs, tyrant windows is still the 15 second window demonology does most damage in, and the temporary nature of demons doesn’t allow to summon too many additional demons before buffing them with tyrant (compared to live)
- IMHO these changes if implemented on live won’t make demonology top 1 pick out of all warlock specs but definitely would move it from the bottom it currently is in all types of content to above average. There would still exist situation where you prefered affliction or destruction but being a demonology wouldn’t be perceived as a handicap that it currently is.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. If anyone liked the changes and wants to create a more visual representation of the changes that would be marvelous.