Demonology tier set

Hello, i wanna talk about demo tier set. It is obvious that the tier set is not working, and it was on its way to work. First of all its just fun that u have some kind of guaranted proc on doomfiend. it gives good consist dmg to demo and its fun. Last night again demo tier set was destroyed on ptr xD no procs no dmg
2 day earlier fine procs, too much dmg
week earlier to much dmg no procs
week earlier no procs no dmg
I mean just set it that u have much more procs and fix the dmg and thats it.

now it got nerfed to the ground by 50% as we speak , even procc chance lower for doomguard

you would be a fool to believe in demo dev’s that destroyed the spec with countless reworks to do a good job

well its obvious that the dev doesnt wanna make the tier guarantee the proc after X about of explosion/dmg done.
If you ask me i would make it guaranteed instead of a procc rate, and have the guarantee be done by doing x about of damage via 2-set, it already has builtin system for ST and AOE on the dots.

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