Demonology Warlock Issues

I do not understand why out of all the warlock specs the only one not being touched is demo at all, and i aint talking about hero talent tuning or bug fixes that should have been fixed in the open beta of the game. The demonology spec suffers currently from the huge amount of nerfs that happened during the beta testing throughout its duration. Going into live it still has been underperforming in content such as raid and mythic +. It’s playstyle is also complicated and boring without being rewarding. It’s tier set is no rewarding at all compare to affli or destro. We have seen in the past days tuning for all classes/specs but not for this one.
Breaking it down to its problems starting from the most impactful.

  1. Applying doom with demon bolt is stupid, especially with the switching targets to do so and more importantly the fact that we generate so few demon bolt cores we cant apply doom to all targets. On top of that when i play demo for some reason i feel like iam playing affli just from the fact that i have to apply the “dot” called doom. If you want this spec to function with doom, legion had a great talent called hand of doom that made your hand of gul’dan apply doom to the targets. Also why is doom’s duration reduced with demon bolt and not with hand of gul’dan again ?
  2. Mark of Shatug is a capstone talent that will never see the light of day in this expansion if it never receives proper buffs to it. The point of having to choose between this and Mark of F’harg, is that theoretically one is for single target and the other is for multiple targets. Yet we play with Mark of F’harg in both situations, just because.
  3. Immutable Hatred/Guillotine, also another dead capstone talents because for some reason they are still tuned under the dragonflight expansion numbers. 30k physical damage from Immutable Hatred ? Might as well hit auto attacks with a wand, it will do more dmg. Instead of tuning these, throw them into the trash can and start implementing some of the ideas that other warlock players have been sending to the warlock forums ever since alpha testing of this expansion.
  4. Pact of the Ered’ruin, again another capstone talent that was massively nerfed in beta just because the doomguard was hitting aoe damage and was actually doing damage. I get the idea of locking it behind single target but it just doesnt work. Not to mention that it’s a “capstone talent” so it should be doing damage otherwise why would it be there in the first place.
  5. Grimoire: Felguard, god why the hell is this talent a 2 min cd when it doesnt provide anything but tyrant buff ? To be honest i wouldnt take it even if it was a 1 min cd. It is useless, underperforming, and most of all boring.
  6. Dreadstalkers, boy oh boy, so in addition to removing the 3rd dog you also nerfed the demon core procs that it provided in the past expansions. Any reason why would you do that ? We are suffering from demon core procs.

There are more to this topic regarding both the Demonology tree and the Warlock class tree that other warlock players have mentioned in other posts and repeating them in this one, since you are not looking at them, makes no sense to do so. Next time when you start tuning and buffing/nerfing abilities make sure to know what you are doing and not just randomly tune abilities because it only makes you look that you have no idea of the spec itself and as far as it goes for me, you shouldnt be working as a developer for any class at all.

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