Demonology warlock questions

I usually play destro (with the occasional respecc to affli) but I wanted to try demonology for M+.

And i was significantly puzzled regarding explosive potential and implosion. Basically, my main doubt is:

  • Is there a practical way to know how much energy my imps have? The standard blizz UI allows you to know how many imps you have, but that is not exactly useful, as iirc the actual damage is determined by the total energy they have. Same for demonic consumption.

  • Is there a point in stressing about maximizing implosion damage in ST situations? or should i just use it to keep explosive potential up? I I understand it correctly, implosion does not add damage, it simply transforms single target damage into AOE, doesn’t it?

  • Any useful weak auras?

No real point in having a fancy WeakAura for Implosion anymore as the button shows stacks now and those stacks can be tracked by a really basic WeakAura that anybody can make. Having imp energy trackers just adds more visual noise to an already cluttered UI.

As long as you keep Explosive Potential up it doesn’t matter at what energy you Implode your imps for single target. You only do it for the buff.

For Demonic Consumption, as long as you cast Tyrant right after summoning 6 imps while keeping EP up you’ll be fine. You can technically squeeze out more, but the gains are quite diminishing as the first three imps will be on low energy a lot of the time (depends on Soulshard refund procs and Demonic Cores). It’s worth noting that if you can stack up a bunch of imps right before leaving combat and then pop Tyrant on the next pull you can get some significant damage as consuming up to 12 imps with decent energy is possible. Not sure if you can squeeze out 15 (probably not or it’s extremely proc dependent).

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