Demonology weird stats interaction in the War Within PvE

Hey guys, demonology in it’s current form has a few quirks with it’s stats, which I find both interesting but also headscratching. Let me explain how the stats work :
-Haste : increases cast speed
-Crit : increases frequency of crits
-Mastery (Master demonlogist) : Increases pet dmg
-Vers : Increases dmg done and reduces dmg taken
For a few years our main stats were mostly haste, mastery and crit but after season 3 of dragonflight and the launch of ww a lot of talents were changed and hero talents were added. Why does it matter ? Well with theses changes the devs gave more dmg to us as a caster and to our pets.
So with these changes vers and crit gained even more value, haste is still a very good stat since we have a lot of spells to cast (and increases pets attack speed even tyrant), mastery is odd in single target not very good but better the more target there are. I’ll gather crit and vers together since most of what makes them better are similar, since all of our spells such as shadow bolt, demonbolt, doom, hand of guld’an, implosion are boosted with these stats, and with buffs from our current tier set for shadow bolt and our hero talents increasing hog dmg they make these stats a lot more attractive.

I personally don’t mind it, it means that any loot can be good loot, however for flavor, ease of comprehension, and optimisation (or tuning), it would be nice to maybe rework demos mastery similarly to unholy dk in shadowlands. For reference unholy dks mastery increases the players shadow dmg and pet dmg. In a similar notion a way to change demo mastery would be to increase shadowflame dmg and pet dmg or something like this.
I know that stats are less relevant in retail currently but it’s just a little something that can affect demo in someway and not help newer players unlike the other 2specs.
Also there was somebody a while back in the lock discord who had an interesting idea for the mastery as well to allow shadow bolt and demon bolt a chance to summon an imp when cast What do you think? Is it irrelevant or maybe it could get a little rework?

I agree that mastery in Demonology needs to be changed, I too would prefer a very banal change like “increase master and demon damage by X%”. But it could also be in a different way, for example introducing a sort of demonic synergy with mastery

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