Derank AB AFK farmers

Hey blizzard,

How about deranking all these people doing this ‘meta’, falsely reporting people for trying to do objectives in an objective based game is toxic asf.


All the sheep just follow the shepherd to the horde farm

Some sheep get stuck in the cattle pen where they start off from and sadly never get to see the farm

We have a perfectly good stable’s that the sheep could go to but they just ignore it

Maybe the horde farm has nice grass hmmmmm

It works… I just got ac10 day ban for “abusive language”

I was mass reported for calling and capping. Fully aware this would be happening I was meticulously careful of everything I wrote.

Wow sod is dead.

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What else am i supposed to do when i want to rank up??

AV queue time is now on 1h 31 mins and i keep it queued while doing AB. I don’t know how things are in WsG atm.

I’m getting intimidated by the majority if i want to do objectives in AB (something that also happened in AV before this meta btw). I’m most of the time the only Wild-Growth player, insults an abuse inc if i raise any doubt about the lose mentality.

@Smteko, you can appeal, do it.

you can appeal to get a bot response in return. super fun.

people shouldnt get punished for blizzards failings of fixing PvP.


It’s nice to see how many people really Enjoy PvP.

Maybe you who are the minority will realise how small part of the game you really are.

How’s that? Doing objectives makes the game way shorter. Or is it like “Let them win fast!” and those who intimidate you just wanna sit 3 minutes for 2 tokens?

./shoo and ./shoo

I would not de-rank all people who are doing this meta, because then, you have to de-rank everybody. Because its the meta.

Reporting players for doing the objectives and stuff like that on the other hand, is something, a good developer would see as “exploiting the reporting system” followed by a ban for those, who exploit the reporting system.
#edit because its nothing else than that: An exploiting of a (bad&robotic) reporting system.