Derp of Derpaton

Was a post about a guild but after toxic old GM gone out of way to drag my name in mud after left without prompt, which was wrong. Don’t feel like playing anymore. Enjoy the read

Be warned about this guy. Joined us for a few weeks, barely raided, carried to all 4 mythic kills with single digit grey parses, made no effort to improve his toon (neck still low 30s) then left without saying a word, blocking me on both disc and battlenet. We’re a relaxed, IRL/family first guild and gave him plenty of chances and opportunities to prove himself with no drama which was repaid by a childish disappearing act and dishonesty.

Was Vanlith on Tarren Mill horde if anyone wishes to fact check.

/PSA :wave:

Would be more weary of a guild that wants to air their dirty laundry about ex members to be honest.

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