Describe the Above Poster in 5 Words or Less #5

Next Body for Nathanos
Human potential now with crossbows
Disney Prince in the waiting
Snowwhites not evil huntsman

Savage from the jungle!

The Dwarfiest of them Dwarves

Won’t Explode Azeroth Again, Pwomiz!

Very mean, has skipped Laurenn!
Pants? Never heard of such.
Unstable warlock, approach with care.

(I didn’t skip you! Mahli’ficia simply took inspiration from/stole Laurenn’s idea :space_invader: )


Too Cool to even touch.

Light as the dawn snow.

Dead lotus blooming at midnight

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Sweetheart, but don’t tell her

Strange acquaintance with fine taste

Crazed lunatic without clothes.



Stronk as Gronk badonk!

She probably has your coinpurse.

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Concubine assassin.

Dark Staff lover

Orc that stands with pride

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Musical, practical, worships the Light.

Rodeo not advised.