Describe the Above Poster in 5 Words or Less #5

There’s a good boy, lad

Poor dwarf, stuck in bucket.

Feline Form Female Fluffing Feathers

Ghostly snow fox assassinating targets

Needs to burn at stake.
Too cute for the Horde.
“Hump his legs!” (Kakio reference).

Doesn’t know his mascara’s running…

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Small and Green. Grinchpenny, anyone?

Tall and Blue, kinda sexy

Short and furry…also sexy?

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Strong and courageous horde warrior.

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Cute fluffy mama bear

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cute but dangerous!

Cute but not so dangerous

Regal. Could use some Void

Used to much void. Slave

I’m not picking her pockets.

Gladly would pick her pockets!

Curious little creature.

Way past expiration date. Annihilate.

Magi, and my Nightborne brother.