Deserter for not being M+ geared

I’m a lv64 hunter; and I queued for a lv60-70 normal dungeon with dungeon finder.

The tank pulled every trash mob in the area and died and then kicked me out for “not being dps”. So okay he wanted lv70 M+ geared in his group whatever but.

Why do i have a Deserted flag and banned from raid finder for 30 minutes for not being M+ geared. I didn’t leave; they forced me out. Not because of anything I did but because i could not help them speed run or whatever.

Why are is blizzard allowing M+ players gate keeping normal 60-70 dungeons?

These are 60-70 normal dungeons. They are the content I’m meant to be doing.

Why can’t i queue again and find a more reasonable group?

You can file this under “why casual players stop playing”.


Why queue up as DPS if you’re a healer?


:stuck_out_tongue: /10chars



It’s unfortunate you experienced a crappy group, that happens.

The deserter penalty is given for leaving the group content for any reason before it is finished. This is somewhat the final iteration after several failed ones, like, in the past when there wasn’t any when a tank/healer is unsatisfied with the dungeon they hold the dungeon group hostage.

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Arrogant tanks exist. Next!

Wait, so the tank thought you were a healer?

The replies to the OP is a pure reflection of what its like in game. No wonder its going to pot.

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Gonna correct you here…
Its not m+ players gate keeping anything.

Its toxic people being toxic.
And toxic people are toxic regardless of what content they prefer. There are plenty of casual players who are also toxic.

So dont try to make this out as something m+ players do.

While putting my destolock and mm Hunter in random dungeons I was basically just following everyone.

As healer I already used a whole dungeon to rework my UI and setting up vuhdo. Barely there, just adding a few heals here and there…

And people didn’t kick me.

It’s like others said: you met a toxic tank. Happens, is annoying because of the deserter. But if that happens once or twice it’s nothing to throw a tantrum about. It’s not like your account is banned for 30 minutes. Do some quests to calm down.

The benefit of having the deserter system far outweights the discomfort that you have for not being able to queue for 30 minutes.

I would have to lie if I said that never happened to me. It did. But just like I meet annoying people when I’m leaving my home, I meet them online as well. Happens if you play a multiplayer game, happens if you play with randoms. That is why building social connections, joining guilds and communities still have value. Those bubbles that we create filter those people. We should just keep in mind that those bubbles are not the norm, but everything outside is.

I’ve never actually seen this happen in the game. Not while leveling characters in dungeons and not when doing normal DF dungeons as a geared healer (I run these when it’s call to arms, just for the bag). So I feel this is probably a rare occasion or it’s not the entire story. These dungeons are so trivial, it doesn’t really matter if someone doesn’t do much damage.

This line makes me question the entire claim, actually. M+ players have zero need to even go to a normal DF dungeon unless they are helping someone, want transmogs (unlikely at this point) or it’s CTA. But in any of these cases, the M+ players can solo the entire dungeon. A M+ geared tank would never die in a normal DF dungeon.

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You can’t see the reason when they kick you. How do you know the reason was “not being dps”?

As the player above said, one single m+ geared dps or tank can solo a normal dungeon without ever falling below 90% hp.

I smell BS, or you’re not telling us everything.

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This is the mindset of Dungeoneering in contempory WoW.
You see threads by players complaining that the tank is only pulling 2 packs at a time.
If you want to PuG (even the easiest leveling dungeons) you must not be a new player. You must not be playing a new Class / Spec. You must not be trying a new role. You must not be in a dungeon for the first time.
You must not be geared less than Mythic Raid level. You must not waste time looting, eating or anything other than running (with speed boosts as much as possible) or fighting. You must not be social, no communications at all, other than to accuse others of doing one of the must nots above before kicking them.

Simple rules. Different to the rules we used to have back in the day but I guess times change.

Would be nice if there was a filter in the LFG tool for “Old School Rules” or “Modern Rules”.

You’re totally right. Sorry to the nice M+ folks out there!

I requeued after the lockout was done and got into a nice group. We went through a few packs at a time and everything went smoothly.

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Sorry if i came on hard.
I just hate generalizations like that, as all it does is divide the player base and makes it more us vs them.