Deserters of Azeroth are recruiting!

Hello! Deserters Of Azeroth are a new guild and are recruiting! We are looking for like minded people to push mythic+ in a safe and fun environment. We are a core group of friends looking for more people to join in our in game fun.

We are on forums to search for new friends to push the upcoming dungeons with, in the new season 2 of TWW. We are a fun bunch of friends who have a very laid back approach to the game. When it comes to it we are very focused on pushing keys/raiding.

Our main goal is to recruit current and new/returning players who want to get into end game content but need a group to play with and to not take too seriously. For now we are a very small group of friends that have just started up the guild again but hoping to expand for next season so we’re all able to learn the new season together as a group.

On the other hand, we are maybe interested in raiding depending on the numbers we can recruit as we all have a past history of raiding heroic.

If you’re wondering who to contact or have any questions about this upcoming guild then feel free to add me on battlenet or discord:

Battlenet - Lewgolas#2540
Discord - lew2000

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