Desertion timer

Just a quick rantm ignore me.


what are these new desertion sicknesses? I was healing a heroic i dont know what dungeon. We kill first boss easy peasy, then out of sudden I got kicked. 30 minutes I cant do LFR, cant do normal nor HC dungeons. just because some Ahole decided to kick me without even mentioning anymistakes in the party chat. its insane that when you get kicked you receive a time out aswell, isnt this a bit dual punishment. really triggerd f this

I recommend to edit out the swears on the forums.

It is not new, infact the deserter debuff was made after healers/tanks kept repeatedly taking the party hostage many many years ago. The only minor change is that mid-dungeon leaving is also punished after community feedback but the actual debuff of 30 minutes was already there.

According to wowpedia the dungeon deserter debuff was added in patch 3.3.0 (2009-12-08). It can’t keep surprising people that it’s a: a thing, and b: 30 minutes

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