[desperate] Looking For a Active Guild

Evening all,

let me start by saying thanks for taking the time to read this. As you are aware im looking for a guild (duh!) im currently alliance on a very low pop server but have no objection to transfer / change faction.

i’m looking for an active guild mainly in the evening’s , active g-chat with banter is a big must for me, i’ve been soloing for a few weeks and it’s just not a fun game to play with out some gchat action.

my interests are:

  1. M+ Keys
  2. Raiding (after 21:00 - whenever)
  3. Alts / Transmog (usual time fillers)

I have a few characters, not decided which to focus on this patch, they are:
*[H] Paladin
*[H][DPS] Shaman
*[T] Demon Hunter

Hi Worriar

Check this out: Lux Aeterna is LF a few dedicated raiders

Should you consider changing faction, we are on Horde side :slight_smile:

Hello Worriar!

Sounds like you may be a good fit for our Guild, if you want to check us out!

Ministry of Silly Wipes

Feel free to add me to chat if you’re interested!
Discord: xWestie#9361

thanks, for the heads up ! very active social guild is what im looking for !


Many thanks

Hello. Dark Wolves is a horde guild on the connected realms of Lightbringer/Mazrigos.

We are an adult only guild who lean towards the casual/social side of things. We have a guild website, Facebook page, twitter and a pretty active Discord channel.

Member interests vary from mainly solo play (including achievement collecting, alt levelling, pet battling, etc), to M+ (we have multiple groups running throughout the week at various times of the day, with a bigger focus on a Monday when we have our organised “Mythic Monday” - both with the aim of doing higher keys (around 12-15+ level) and more relaxed training/learning runs at lower levels).

We also organise two raids a week, currently progressing through Heroic Sanctum on a Wednesday evening (9pm to 11.30pm server time) and Normal Sanctum on a Friday evening (9.30pm to midnight server time).

Although we do generally have people on during the day, the evening is when things become more active. M+, other than on a Monday evening, are generally organised on an ad-hoc basis either in-guild/in-game or via a specific channel on our discord.

You’re welcome to join our discord to check us out, perhaps even pop into the M+ channel and catch a group, have a chat with some members, etc. https://discord.gg/gQ2uBGe

Our website can be found at https://www.darkwolves.eu where you can read up on how we operate, our guild rules and also see our application process.

Good luck with wherever you go :slight_smile: