Destro lock soloshuffle

I think destro should get more instant chaos bolts and fear. vs melee there is allmost nothing to do other than spend defensive cooldowns and watch yourself die. I am sure after 20 years blizzard is able to give destro some tools to deal with it without breaking the game. I feel it’s very unbalanced and 4 of 5 q’s are melee heavy.

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thats true, and not only with destro, for affli and demo its the same story. 90% of the time i face warrior, rogue, pala, dk and its painful … i can get precog 10 times at least and i still lose wen facing melee. it is what it is i guess…

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I just get focused and constant CC or interrupted

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in 1v1 scenario locks are most broken class. They need nerfs more than ever.

Bold statement coming from monk.


but the topic is about arena games not 1v1 situations. in duels there are classes that out perform others and it is what it is. so for example i can win in duel a monk or a warrior or a paladin and most of casters… but its very hard for me to win against rogues, hunters or druids for example. but that situation changes wen they face one another for example rogues struggle against paladins, but paladins are kinda easy for me. so i win versus joey , Joey win Sarrah and Sarrah beats me. which one is better ?

Good thing no one cares about duels anymore, huh?

Well if you play in warmode, you have 1v1 very often. And as warlock you are beaten like wheat.

im getting killed as a warlock by healers. this is how overpowered warlock is atm :slight_smile:

I would just forget about destro if I were you. For solo, affli is the “best” choise at the minute and even that spec is painful to play.

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I think a step in the right direction would be to ditch the approach of awarding victory to whichever arena team scores a kill first in rated PvP and take the stance that the entire team needs to be defeated in order to win.

As it stands, Warlocks are often attacked as a priority in arena matches which isn’t fun; especially when a lot of our tools are extremely outdated.

Burning Rush, for example, damages our character. It should simply be reworked into something along the lines of a Rogue’s sprint at this point. Portals project where we are going to appear after using them, so an enemy can easily chase us if we use them.

That’s in addition to most melee having ridiculous amounts of mobility and gap closers.


Sorry, mage, not everyone gets treated like mage.

Chaos bolt should hit twice as much. It only hits a good amount on low geared people. It should be a 3 hitter guarantee on a geared person.

If you leave a warlock open for 5+ seconds to cast, you deserve a chaos bolt.

At the moment I can spam 5/6/7/8 bolts fully geared and it barely make a dent. especially with a bit of healing going on.

Boring af.