Chaos bolt is impossible to land in current meta and even if I manage to cc all 3 people and land one bolt it does absolutely nothing. Like 1.3M damage is a joke for a cast that is so hard to do. 500 instant casts each of which require GCD is a joke. 3x rift + amp curse + curse + soul rip + havoc + wither + malevolance + 2x conflag AND ONLY THEN I cast cast CB. And if I fail to cast CB I have to wait for conflag again otherwise my backdraft falls off and CB takes 3 seconds to cast. By the end of this sequence I’m dead by some 0 iq warrior or feral. Survivability is negative, the only thing i have is port which is useless on half of maps. Ruins of lordaeron for some reason is still in game and it’s impossible to win as warlock in any lobby. remove this class from the game pls ty
blizzard’s logic: if a caster has a lot of mobility and can also continuously snare and root a targets, he can also have access to instant damage ferocious and instant proc (did someone say mage frost?).
If you are immobile and can’t root a target on the ground perpetually, then it’s okay that you have long cast times and very low damage while stationary. In a normal world it should be the opposite.
The only time the righty (in recent years, excluding MOP) was scary was when he had Entreched in Flames and could root with the Conflagrate, which was immediately removed because the melee had to kill the warlock.
I’m also sorry to always have to complain, but honestly the differences between casters who don’t cast and have all instant procs and destruction are quite evident. Our procs are still at cast time and it is the only class to have cast time with procs, and soulfire which was very fast they also nerfed it in cast speed despite it not doing more damage than an ice lance. We must also thank that the immolate is made instant with hellcaller (something that had to be done about 15 years ago, I think), but also making the spec “non-destructive” but DOTs
I can only echo what I’ve seen a number of posters around these parts declare. Warlocks are stuck in a very outdated era and desperately need to be reworked to be as mobile as other casters and melee.
A bold suggestion would be that hard casts are pointless at this point. It’d be one thing if they hit like trucks but they don’t. By the time a chaos bolt is fired off you can see a low effort class like retribution paladin rush towards you at high speed, made immune to damage thanks to their bubble and fire off a series of instant abilities - with extended range - that either get us to low health or kill us outright.
Even if we fire off our teleport abilities, they’re projected as to where they’re going to take us so our enemies can think ahead to easily counter us and with the ability for paladins to have not one but two charges of their gap closer, there isn’t a whole lot we can do about that most of the time.
At least hunters have their traps to reliably put some distance between themselves and an enemy. Mages have their barriers, the ability to encase themselves in ice and of course the iconic blink ability. If I weren’t so stubborn and if I hadn’t geared up my warlock for this raid tier I would honestly consider playing something else.
The thing I don’t understand is the fact that certain classes that have strengths and weaknesses in terms of design have recently greatly reduced their weaknesses without touching their strengths.
For example the DKs, which were conceived as beasts in close combat but easily kited and which now between double grip at 40 yards, abomination and various micro CCs are VERY difficult to kite. The paladins themselves were impressive in burst melee and could implode anyone in a few globals but they were quite slow, now they have very strong mobility and ranged attacks. Was the warlock ultimately designed to be a taky caster? It remained immobile and the tankiness was still reduced.
Furthermore, Destruction has never been a “tanky” spec, on the contrary, it was particularly fragile in original and for years. After MOP it was gradually destroyed and stripped of its original concept, making it resistant (mastery with damage reduction) but totally immobile. I absolutely don’t like the way it is conceived now, I would like it to be more mobile and less resistant but with more instant.
I would like Shadowburn to be executed from 20% health and with a talent to make it work from 35%, I would like the reintroduction of fel flame (maybe 15 sec CD, 3 charge), the procs must be instant, shadowfury must go back to being instant . Immolate need to be istant ( something they should have been doing for at least 15 years).
It is not possible to attach a concept to a class that is not feasible in a game of this kind just because it was decided beforehand without considering the repercussions in the game
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