Oke listen I have a question burning on my soul and you guys need to help me.
I am reading the us forum and there was a post about slow paced melee specs.
One of the replies mentioned a destro warlock melee. I can’t write in the us forum so I can’t question it but I can’t forget this.
Is there a fun melee build for destros?
Is that just a joke?
I can’t imagine that it was a typo since what would you want to write that you misspell into destro warlock melee ^^
Maybe the swarm brain can help me maybe I will just go crazy
That’s the thing.
Ofcourse I can melee enemies but there are no abilitys that are melee and non that strengthen my autoattacks.
I’m so confused but also interested cause a melee warlock would be cool.
It’s not like my Ret Pala I play with a sword and shield. That one atleast has abilities
No such thing as melee warlock but it can often feel that way as we are target in every scenario and surrounded by every melee from mile radius
Their goal is to come at us and hit us till they get what they want, which is our death. They never give up or never stop hitting, no matter what they will continue hitting till they get what they want or till you kill them first.
Sometimes if you manage kill one of them, you might find txt from them later saying “nerf warlocks” or something the like.
Well that would need to be one hell of an enchant^^
Back in the olden days there was the warlock specific enchant fire stone which put fire DMG into your attacks
I think a melee destro Lock would be like the Assassin in Aion; with daggers carve runes-combos in the flesh of the enemy then detonate the carved 1-5 level runes to do damage, stun, poison, sap life, etc