Destruction Warlock Set Bonus? Where is it? Is it april's fools day?

Why don’t we have a set? Is this some joke? Are there any other classes that didn’t get a set? Shaman got 5 different sets. SHOCKADIN got a set. Are the devs taking the 5iss here with our class?

Here’s some brilliant, easy to implement suggestions from a bonafide warlock player:

2p. Increase immolate damage by 20%.

4p/6p. Conflagrate causes an additional 40% damage over 6 sec of the immolate effect. (you have it in wotlk, should be easy to add)

4p/6p. Incinerate applies a stacking dot (3x stack) on every crit lasting 6 seconds dealing 15-33% of the crit’s dmg.

2p/4/6p. Corruption/immolate has a chance to increase the damage of your next damaging spell by 20/30/50%.

Maybe add incinerate as a baseline ability as it defines the destro tree and we can use different builds with felguard on that rune spot maybe?

Like seriously, how hard is it to understand that I do not want to be stuck in a single spec and support. I also demand to have a set bonus for p5. I honestly did not even consider it possible to not get a new set bonus. I thought it might be a bad bonus, but not NONE at all?