Are they pretty much the same or which do you prefer and why?
I was very much a recount person until I found that details reported more realistic dps readings. The difference is quite noticeable on longer fights (Atleast on retail)
I found once I switched to details I could look up more realistically my damage sources and where it was mostly coming from and it matched up to simulations/warcraft logs parses.
I do miss recount but I fear it’s just not as good.
Details! is better like Babeano already stated but there’s more, you can turn on Tiny Threat for a threatmeter plus Plater Nameplates is integrated in Details!
To make Tiny Threat in Details! work, find a youtube for a tutorial.
details is better because that’s the one I use, this is an objective fact
Details ofc. It also is less demanding for the cpu.
I use both its easier (for me) to make out crit/hit/dodge etc spread on an ability in recount also some spells are merged for one and not the other - like scourge strike is separated into physical and shadow portion in recount and in details its merged into one.
Also recount only counts “active” combat for dps thats why its “wrong” so if for example you are melee and you need to stop attacking the boss due to mechanics while ranged keeps pumping recount will “freeze” your dps until you resume your attacks.
So yeah in general details is more accurate but i like recount for other info so dont see a reason for not using both haha
I always prefer Recount because its interface is more clean if i want to check my damage. I hate Details for that.
But the problem of Recount is 1sc refresh data while Details is every 0.10sc… So many people prefer Details for that so i’m forced to use it to get the right dps.
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